Project development is progressing well


Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aimé spoke about the current status of Metroid Prime 4 in an interview. According to his statements, the development of the long-awaited successor should progress well. But there is no version yet. Metroid Prime 4 was announced as part of the E3 2017 exclusively for Nintendo Switch.

Nintendo has not announced any new information on Metroid Prime 4 (now available for $ 60.77) at this year's E3 in Los Angeles. Instead, the goal of the Nintendo Direct shown on the upcoming Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. In an interview with GameInformer, Nintendo of America boss, Reggie Fils-Aimé, commented on the current status of the long-awaited successor

"Last year, it was important for us to tell Metroid fans that A new Metroid Prime Experience in development – while showing Metroid: Samus Returns for the 3DS, we did not want these fans to say "You've released a new system, when are you going to bring a new Metroid?" on this platform? We said it would come, and this year we wanted to focus on the games that will be released in early 2019, but I can badure you – Metroid Prime 4 is still under development and progresses well. "The direct predecessor Metroid Prime 3 was released in 2007 for the Wii. There is no version for part 4.

Source: Game Informer

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Metroid Prime 4 : Trailer Announcement of E3 2017

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