PSA creates a joint development network with Opel


PSA Germany has a new dealer network developer for its Peugeot, Citroën and DS Automobiles brands: Jens Nagl, who is responsible for the German market in the same role with the sister brand Opel, takes over. In the future, he will be responsible for developing the network of all PSA brands in Germany.

Since 2011, Nagl has been responsible for the development of the Opel network in Germany. Previously, the 46-year-old had been in a similar position since 2006 as head of European dealer development at Hyundai Motors. In the Opel network, we also hear skeptical words about Nagl – it lacked some of the reference of the practice.

In his new dual role, Nagl reports to PSA Germany boss Rasmus Reuter and Jürgen Keller, who is responsible for sales in Germany at Opel.

Following the acquisition of Opel, the PSA Group is taking further steps to merge the two companies. With Nagl's new dual role as network developer for the four brands, the group is bringing its distribution networks closer to Germany. This is hardly surprising.

"This is another step that PSA is systematically pursuing to set up the synergistic group in Germany," says Stephan Lützenkirchen, Head of Communications at PSA Deutschland. "In the end, it definitely adds value."

The move is expected to generate savings mainly in the back office, and incidentally in the dealer networks. According to Thomas Kramer, president of the Citroën Dealers Association and DS, for several brands of a group, it would make sense that the development of the network be conducted by a common body. It was a stated goal to close the open points of the respective networks with the traders of other networks. The Group has already practiced successfully in recent months.

However, there are also skeptical voices on the part of dealer circles. PSA will "superimpose" the networks of its flagship brands and Opel and select the best partners, shows a PSA partner who prefers not to read his name, a scenario. As a result, some thinning of networks would be conceivable. And adds: "From the point of view of the Group, it is a perfectly understandable approach."

Opel dealers are currently waiting for their new contracts. Negotiations between manufacturers and badociations are underway.

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