Publication of diesel documents: the decision against Bosch has fallen


Stuttgart. The Bosch auto parts supplier estimated that the internal documents of the Stuttgart District Court had been published for the scandal of diesel exhaust gases at VW. This decided the district court of Stuttgart on Friday.

However: The application to Bosch to make public information is only one part of a procedure, which specifically against the subsidiary VW Porsche runs. The Porsche SE and VW blame investors for having too late informed the financial markets of the Dieselgate, known in September 2015 – that they reject. To substantiate their claims, the plaintiffs want to see the letter of warning and other sensitive couriers between Bosch and VW. The supplier is not liable for the protection of investors of its contracting parties, certainly not investors of the parent company VW Porsche SE to which Bosch did not no business relationship. The company having its seat at Stuttgart is so far wrongly based on the right to refuse to testify, decided the competent chamber. 22 O 205/16 and 22 O 348/16). The provider should also not be afraid of being sued for a criminal offense or misdemeanor. The Stuttgart-based company relies on the right to refuse to testify and a confidentiality agreement with the Wolfsburg-based company. Also Bosch disclose no trade secrets in disclosing documents. The role of Bosch in this dispute is only one off-topic .

In issuing documents that attested to compliance in June 2008, sitting Bosch simply did not face the threat of legal action, concluded the judge.

You can read this review as a registered user for free. In addition, any risk of persecution would defeat the limitation process, the court said. The manipulation of the engine control software is an anti-competitive practice. Bosch himself announced that he would review the written opinion of the court

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