Queen of omission: Jil Sander turns 75 | NDR.de


Stand: 27.11.2018 00h01

by Daniel Kaiser

Their names are named in the same breath as fashion legends Giorgio Armani or Calvin Klein: Jil Sander revolutionized the fashion world in Hamburg. Leading fashion magazines have celebrated it as the "Queen of the Under", the queen of omission. Today, the German designer is 75 years old.

Simple and pure: Jil Sander

Attract the world

Little Heidemarie already has pants from the beginning: Heidemarie Jiline Sander from Wesselburen in Schleswig-Holstein. Later, she says she is simple and cosmopolitan, Jil. And she has a mission: to turn the world around. "For me, it was clear from the beginning – and it was perhaps the elemental power – to pursue a vision – to attract women who did not want to dress like dolls, but who also wanted to be feminine and attractive that this style has prevailed worldwide, "says Sander.

In 1967, she opened a shop in the upmarket district of Pöseldorf in Hamburg, where she also sells her own creations. It is the nucleus of their later empire. Sander remembers: "Thank God, I was a little naive too, I could not predict how difficult it was, I was inspired by the idea of ​​how I saw fashion. "

A new situation

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Jil Sander meets the spirit of the times with his creations of the 70s.

"Good design for little money" – with this slogan, she presents her first collection in the mid 70s. Jil Sander quickly becomes an insider tip for young and stylish women. Modern and confident. "Everyone says that my fashion was emancipated," said Sander. "It's because women started working when I started doing fashion, which was a completely new situation."

Retired but unforgettable

Jil Sander has never attended a fashion school. She teaches everything herself and uses only the best fabrics. She is known nationwide when she advertises a perfume with her own face in the late 70's. In the late 90s, she sells to Prada: the beginning of a story of suffering. She is in constant competition with the boss of Prada. Returns Go again. Jil Sander, who has always protected his privacy, has now become silent. Perhaps she is celebrating her birthday in Ibiza, where she owns a finca and even makes her own olive oil. Or on Gut Ruhleben near Plön. There, Jil Sander had created a beautiful garden with his partner Angelica Mommsen, who died of cancer four years ago. In retirement, she lives – but she is unforgettable. When a major exhibition about the work of his life took place in Frankfurt a year ago, more than 100,000 visitors came.

Jil Sander is 75 years old

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27.11.2018 | 19:00 clock

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