Rad-Ass Stigger and Schröcksnadel awarded by the EOC «kleinzeitung.at


Junior World Champion Laura Stigger and ÖSV President Peter Schröcksnadel were honored on Friday in Marbella by the European Olympic Committee (EOC). At the 47th EOC General Assembly, after receiving a selection of EOC members as the best junior athlete in Europe, the outstanding wheel specialist was awarded the "Piotr Nurowsky Award", the patron of the ski area rewarding the Laurel. "

12:48, November 10, 2018


Stigger from Tyrol, world champion in mountain and road cycling, won in front of Anja Kesely (HUN / swimming) and Eva Alina Hocevar (SLO / canoe). "It's another highlight of this incredible year," said Stigger, "Silver" of the Youth Olympic Games, about the $ 15,000 prize. "This award is an additional motivation to work even harder to win a medal at the Olympics."

EOC President Janez Kocijancic (SLO), IOC President Thomas Bach, ÖOC President Karl Stoss and ÖOC Secretary General Peter Mennel were also present. "I am more used to honor others," Schröcksnadel said in his acceptance speech. "I am all the more fortunate to receive this award for many years in the service of sport in Austria and Europe." Stoss pointed out that the Tyrolean is the first Austrian laureate Laurel.

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