Raiders again in the Austrian bowl


<FA-LIVE: The Knights of Vienna are settling into the XXI Silver Bowl

The Swarco Raiders Tirol are in the final of the Austrian football league after a 49:21 victory in the semi-final against the Danube Dragons for the 15th time in their history.

Photo: Goran Milosavljevic

This is the a total of ninth finals in the series for the Tyrolese, who are in the Austrian bowl XXIV on July 21st. The opponent will play tomorrow in Vienna at the match Dacia Vikings Vienna. Spielberg project Graz Giants determined.

The Danube Dragons sold their dragon skin, but as in the first match against the Raiders in Tirol, the five-time Austrian Bowl champion proved to be too strong a opponent for the Viennese who can finish the season in mind.

The guests won Coin Toss, opted for the ball in the second half and were immediately "punished" for it. It took exactly three offensive games by the Raiders and it was held 7: 0 for them through the return Tobias Bonatti . Before that, the quarterback Sean Shelton served his receiver Adrian Platzgummer with a pbad of over 55 yards.

The first trip of the Vienna guests seemed really good, but unfortunately ended with a turnover on lows just before the final area of ​​Raiders. Dominik Mattes groped at 4th Down, the ball was still conquered by a teammate, but this was not consistent in a fourth try and so the local team had the ball in their hands .

After that, he came back very quickly. Bonatti ran 48 yards to 14: 0 before switching sides for the first time.

After an attack by the Dragons at three and outside, it was in the second quarter Filip Vlajic who pbaded 21: 0 . It does not look good in the first half for the Danube kites.

Felix Reisacher then released his disciples, who were able to complete a long journey of the Dragons with the first points for Grn to 21: 7 .

But already in the next drive, the Raiders scored again – Drive # 4 and Touchdown # 4 by Sean Shelton for 28: 7 . A few seconds before the halftime whistle, the Dragons made a fourth try in the end zone. Chad Jeffries served Austin Barron with an 8-yard pbad at 28:14 .

Dragons Shorten
The Viennese were the first team to start the ball and the ball right that they used perfectly. Chad Jeffries completed a drive of his own 15 with a touchdown pbad on Philipp Haun to 28:21 . Hope has sprouted.

But only briefly, because even in their next order, the Tyroleans found their way to Vienna's goal zone. Sean Shelton on Adrian Platzgummer circa 35:21 . Again, the hosts led with the two points in advance, they took with them the first quarter.

Punt Fake takes a preliminary decision
At 4th and 17th in their own half, the Dragons played a false punt. The roast but the Raiders felt early and thus came back in half of the opponent again in possession. A chance that Silver & Black could not take away. Patrick Donahue with a Catch & Run on almost half of the field at 42:21 just before the last break. It was a preliminary decision.

The last attempt of the Dragons is over with an error on the turnover. Chad Jeffries throws a pbad towards the end zone and was chosen by Vincent Mller .

The result was therefore a little higher than at the last meeting on the Tyrolean soil, when Donahue caught the pbad at 49:21 80 seconds before the end.

Quotes about the game:

Philipp Haun (Dragons WR Danube): "We believed in luck until the end we absolutely wanted to go at the Austrian Bowl "We can not finish and finish four races in the Redzone, we must make sure to keep the team together that way and attack them again next year." We are still a not very inexperienced. "

Stefan Pokorny (Danube Dragons Head Coach): "The point of friction was that the Raiders scored on each disc and we could not stop their attack. we are beaten four quarters, it makes me proud, we have to improve defensively. "

Patrick Pilger (DB Swarco Raiders Tirol): "We scored fewer points than our opponents, so we are in the Austrian Bowl and are now in the Austrian for the Ninth consecutive Bowl and you want to win the third title this year. "

Adrian Platzgummer (WR Swarco Raiders Tirol) " We knew we could score a lot of points, even though the l '. one or the other of us was hitting, and we have a lot of offensive positions What Sean / Shelton does for the performance and directs the attack is impressive – our main target is the Austrian Bowl. "

Shuan Fatah (Head Coach Swarco Raiders Tirol): "We knew that their defense had problems like us and that it could become a shootout and we got the chance to see them a few times We have not used Patrick Donahue 's last games against the Dragons and the Joker has approached.The Dragons are expected in the coming years and we now want to win the game. Austrian Bowl for the late Manfred Swarovski. "

Swarco Raiders Tirol against .. Dragons of the Danube 49:21
(14: 0/14: 14/14: 7/7: 0) Statistics [19659027] SA ​​7 July 2018 19:00, Kufstein-Arena

Dacia Vikings vs. Vienna Project Spielberg Graz Giants
Sun 8. July 2018 15:00 Uhr, Stadion Hohe Warte Wien

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