Raiders triumph after the finals show –


The Swarco Raiders Tirol won on Saturday in the Austrian Bowl XXXIV in a record at 51:48 against the Vikings of Vienna and conquered the targeted treble. The final of the Austrian Football League in front of 5,100 spectators at St. Pölten NV Arena was the most punctuated in history. The Tyroleans also managed the rematch for the finals of the previous year

The previous best points were from the 2003 final, where the Vikings with 56:42 against the Giants Graz were victorious. After winning the Central European Football League, the Raiders also won the first champions league in Denmark against the Copenhagen rounds at the end of June this year. For Innsbruck, it is the sixth title of champion in the history of the club. One of the heroes of the evening was Thomas Pichlmann, former footballer.


RAI 51:48 VIK

?: Bernhard Hörtnagl
?: St.Pölten

#swarcoraiders #football #sellers #rangers # tirolerkämpferherz

Posted by SWARCO Raiders Tirol on Saturday, July 21, 2018

The furious start is not enough for the Vikings

The defending champion started furiously in the final and left early by a touchdown of Maurice Wappl, who took advantage of a wide gap in the defense of the Tyrolean leadership. Shortly before the end of the first quarter of the Raiders succeeded after the start of the Viennese badault but by a touchdown MVP league Sean Shelton still the equalizer.

  Game Scene From The Game Vikings Vikings against Raiders Tirol

GEPA / Walter Luger [19659008] The Archers of the Archbishops did not give anything in the new edition of the final of last year [19659008] In the second section, it is again the Viennese who took the lead. A wide field goal by Christopher Kappel brought the 10: 7. About six minutes before half-time, the Innsbruckers reversed the trend. Fabian Abfalter picked up a quarterback pbad from Shelton in the end zone. Vincent Müller then ran after an interception at the next touchdown for the Raiders. Yannick Mayr shortened with a touchdown for the Vikings at a break of 21:17 in favor of the Tyrolese.

Second shot in the semifinal

The second half of the final was an open and eventful move. Bernhard Seikovits fired the game less than three minutes after the break with a touchdown. Moments later, the leader changed again after Patrick Donahue caught Shelton's 49-yard pbad in the end zone. On the opposite side, a shot of Garrett Safron on Wide Receiver Reece Horn caused the touchdown. Unlike the Tyrolese, the Vikings made the extra point for 31:27.

On the Raiders side Adrian Platzgummer caught a Shelton pbad. Quarterback Safron ran for the Vikings themselves more than 30 meters from the next touchdown. To see, Vincent Müller, who was elected MVP Finals, was found in the end zone immediately after the kickoff. That was the seventh change of leadership in the game. Kappel then managed by equalizing at 41:41

  Match scene of the Vienna Vikings match against Raiders Tyrol

GEPA / Walter Luger [19659014] In the decision in a thrilling final duel fell practically only with the final siren [19659009] The last minutes could not have been more exciting: the Raiders went less than five minutes before the end after a Shelton race in the end zone. In the post round, Philip Dubravec grabbed a pbad from Safron to score the Vikings. The decision in favor of the Raiders almost fell with the last mermaid thanks to a Pichlmann field goal at 51:48.

"An unforgettable moment"

The kicker, author of the last three points of the match, was delighted with the triumph. "It's an unforgettable moment for me, it has a tremendous significance for us, we wanted to get the triple," said the 37-year-old, for whom the final was nerve-wracking: "That's a good thing. was a game at the forefront. "Even master coach Shuan Fatah fell a big heart stone." It was an absolute advertisement for the sport, it was football at a very high level ", has said the coach.

Vikings coach Chris Calaycay was disappointed as a result. "In the end, there were three points of too little, we gave everything. We fought until the end and did not lower our head, "said Calaycay after the final.

The Silver Bowl, the final of the second highest division, Amstetten Thunder won against the Knights of Vienna 17:13 The decisive touch was the lower Austrians who are now entitled to promotion to the AFL, also managed only in the last 50 seconds of the game.


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