Ransom asked by Garcia Marquez


31.10.2018 20.55

Online since today, 20:55

The grand-niece of Colombian Nobel laureate Gabriel Garcia Marquez was kidnapped. According to the police, a ransom of five million dollars (4.4 million euros) has now been received.

"The case is very complicated.In the last two calls, they claimed a ransom of five million dollars," said Gaula police chief Fernando Murillo on RCN radio today. They used an investigation team. The TV channel Caracol and the newspaper "El Tiempo" also reported the case.

Abduction apparently already in August

According to police, 33-year-old Melisa Martinez Garcia was kidnapped in northern Colombia on August 23 as she was returning home from her family's banana plantation. She is the granddaughter of Brother Jaime de Garcia Marquez.

Garcia Marquez was considered one of the best writers of Latin America and an influential representative of magical realism. The author of "One Hundred Years of Loneliness" and "The Love at the Age of Cholera" was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982. He died in 2014 in his homeland. adoption, Mexico.

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