Real Madrid separated as expected from coach Lopetegui


Real lost the prestigious "Clasico" to FC Barcelona on Sunday with a score of 1: 5 and is only ninth in the Spanish division of Primera with 14 points after ten games. Lopetegui had not joined the Madrilenians before the summer.

In one of the worst crises of recent decades, Real Madrid is looking for a "hard dog". The boss of the club, Florentino Perez, wanted to propose, according to the information published at the meeting of the board of directors, the Italian Antonio Conte, currently unemployed, or the unfortunate former coach of Manchester United, Jose Mourinho, to the post of successor of Lopetegui. Two men known for their authoritarian personalities. Whether this is the right way for Real, opinions differ greatly.

"The team needs a hard, very strong hand," said former national player and Real professional player, Poli Rincon, on Spanish radio. Sergio Ramos thinks differently. The captain had not even well digested the embarrbadment against the rival and falling to ninth place in the Primera Division when a Camp Nou reporter had asked him: "Conte is a coach who works hard, a good solution? " Reply Ramos: "Respect must be earned and not taxed."

When Mourinho coached Real between 2010 and 2013, the idiosyncratic Portuguese had big problems with the stars. This led to clashes not only in the locker room but also with the media and fans. With "Mou", the club won only once the Cup (2011) and the title in the league (2012). With another "hard dog", it worked at Real recently, much worse. The Spanish Rafa Benitez was at the end of 2015 after only a few months in power before the door.

The favorite of Lopetegui's successor was Conte on Monday because, unlike Mourinho, he is unemployed and would therefore be available more quickly. The Spanish team from Chelsea, where Conte played last season, reportedly told Real Kickers during the World Cup training camp that the Italian was "unbearable", according to El Pais.

No good conditions for a quick exit from the crisis, because according to Ramos, a good relationship with the players is paramount. "With coaches you all know, we've won everything," said the defensive leader, which obviously involved Zinedine Zidane. With his discreet and deliberate manner, the French controlled all the millionaires of Madrid. The result: three wins in the playoffs in the Champions League. And as a reminder, so to speak, several other titles, including that of Spanish Master 2017.

The fact that Lopetegui was again fired only four and a half months after his dismissal as head of the Spanish team was probably inevitable. Because he had poor results as a 52-year-old, who had taken just one point in his last five league games, the Real coach was the last to play in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940.

(APA / dpa)

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