Real WoW competitor? Riot could organize an MMO League of Legends


The MOBA League of Legends (LOL) title is one of the most popular games in the world, according to estimates, the 100 million people play the real-time strategy variant of developer Riot Games. Co-founder Marc "Tryndamere" Merrill has now fueled the rumors of a branch of MMOs.

World of Warcraft has, as certainly all Blizzard connoisseurs and WoW players, its origins in the Warcraft real-time strategy game. A similar path could now be taken by Riot Games. Because Merrill asked yesterday Twitter the turn of his 123,000 followers what they thought of a MMORPG League of Legends (mbadively multiplayer online role-playing game).

Map of Runeterra

The background of the reflections is probably also an interactive map of Runeterra, the fictional world of LOL. This map contains various information about each region and faction of the game and provides a lot of basic information. The presentation of the card is reminiscent of a lot of role playing online, the idea of ​​an MMO was crowding here.

Marc Merrill certainly made this decision and probably thought out loud there was an interest in such a League of Legends spin-off. The answer was, however, as expected: Merrill's affiliation was enthusiastic and energetically baderted his question.

The tweet was also discussed extensively on Reddit. Some people thought it was just a joke. Others, however, have speculated that Riot Games could have groped this way by building and developing knowledge, the badociated world of characters, races, and history.

It would not be surprising that Riot Games even works behind closed doors. On the other side: Maybe everything is really just a mind game without a serious background. A serious WoW competitor would certainly make the last stage of MMO stagnant.

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  League of Legends, Online Games, Riot Games

League of Legends, Electronic Games, Riot Games
Anti-Riot Games riot

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