Really, Samsung? Galaxy S8 and Galaxy Note 8 land on the siding – GIGA


Samsung introduced yesterday not only a flexible screen, but also a new user interface. However, it turns out that the Group can only use them in its current flagship product. Even the Galaxy S8 and the Galaxy Note 8 are empty, even if they're not even two years old.

Really, Samsung? Galaxy S8 and Galaxy Note 8 land on the siding

Source: GIGA.

Samsung One UI: Not for the Galaxy S8 and the Galaxy Note 8

Yesterday, Samsung unveiled a brand new user interface with One UI. This should not only simplify the use of flexible screens, but also be used in normal smartphones. What Samsung considers "normal" has now sunk. It seems that the new interface will only be used in the current mobile generation. In plain language: the Samsung One user interface applies to the new Galaxy Note 9, the Galaxy S9 and the larger Galaxy S9 Plus. All smartphones were launched this year. Conversely, it also means that even the best phones of the last year, such as the Galaxy Note 8 or the Galaxy S8, will not be served. It's been a little over a year since the Galaxy Note 8 is released. From the recommended retail price of 999 euros.

Why the company wants to focus exclusively on the current generation with the new unique UI has not been officially communicated. As a result of a Samsung update, the group is not bound by any operating system update warranties.

A first image of Samsung's One UI:

The beta of the Samsung One user interface will begin soon

Samsung wants to introduce the unique user interface to the public this month in an open beta. Selected test markets include the United States and South Korea, as well as Germany. Other countries will follow soon. With a final version should already be expected in January 2019. At this point, the update will be distributed to the owners of a Galaxy S9 (Plus) and a Galaxy Note 9.

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In the context of flexible screens, Samsung had to think about how the operating system should handle the new mode of operation. A user interface is the solution here, but it should also offer benefits for conventional screens. According to the group, orders will be more natural and smartphones will be easier to use with one hand. One-handed operations had become more difficult as the screens grew, he said yesterday at the official presentation of One UI at the developer conference, the SDC. Relevant information such as menus and pop-ups are displayed accordingly on the lower half of the screen.

Overall, the single user interface should provide fewer distractions. A new dark fashion is also part of the game. Samsung has developed this new interface in cooperation with Google and the Android team.

Source: Tom's Guide via Phone Arena

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