Red Bull Salzburg: Marco Roses fights against habit


Not only with defeats, but also with success, it is important to manage football properly.

In Salzburg, one win goes to the other this season. The 3: 0 in the group stage of the UEFA Europa League against Rosenborg was already the 17th of the 20th match.

However, coach Marco Rose knows that even a clear victory in case of bad evaluation can have negative consequences.

"We have praised the past few weeks, including myself, always publicly, it is important to say that victory was important to us, but there were many things I did not like," says 42. year-old.

"I have often said that everything was fine"

He was not alone in his badessment. Also Hannes Wolf found words critical for their own performance in the first half. "I think it's important to look the truth in the eye, talk about it, and over the last few weeks, we've said enough about how good it was," Rose said.

Also in the first loss of points in the Bundesliga against Wacker Innsbruck last Saturday (1: 1). "Even in this match, I did not find much that could have allowed us to do much better, at least close to the goal of the opponent," said Salzburg coach .

Against Rosenborg, he had the impression before the break that the distances were too big and that the pressing was not going according to plan, although you have often won balloons. However, this also concerns the acting opponent who is not in top form.

Rose's warning: "It must not become a daily thing"

Rose knows her team and knows: "We were not in this flow, we did not have the charisma we could have.

However, this should not mean that a 3-0 win is only there to deal with their own mistakes – on the contrary. "Anyway, it's important to celebrate the victory, to appreciate it and to appreciate it," says Rose, warning:

"What can not happen is that at some point we will get everything we get here, it's going to be every day, it's just going to happen, so you start having a problem." . "

"We're fighting a little against this now"

It almost looks like Rose has to deal with the signs of the problem: "We're struggling a bit against that figure now, it sounds silly, but it's true, the series we've done up to now is C & # 39; that's why I want to talk about these things openly and honestly, because it's important. "

For the Salzburg coach, this attitude has little to do with increased demands during his tenure: "If it was not good, then it was not good." Done, I could sit, take the result and neglect it, but then I'm using exactly the mechanisms I've described, but you get results, but things do not work. "

Internally, the call seems to arrive until now. The magic word is communication: "If things do not happen as we had imagined, we talk about it, and if someone is unhappy, we have to talk about it, and if we are not as happy with the victories that we need, then we have to talk about it. "

Text source: ©

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