Resident Evil 2: "Even as a mature man, I cry aloud"


W ir writes the summer of 2000. The European Football Championship in Belgium and the Netherlands is still going on, but the German team has long since retired in the preliminary round. I spend a few days of vacation with my grandparents, in the attic I can connect my Nintendo 64.

My uncle knows how much I bored and lends me, in an act of kindness and great irresponsibility , Resident Evil 2 of the video library. I was ten years old – and I thank my uncle so far. Because Resident Evil 2 is a game that no one forgets.

Everyone remembers where and how he played it the first time. As for the moon landing or the victory of the 2014 World Cup Final. I will never forget that iconic voice that, at the beginning of the game, after determining the degree of difficulty and the color of the blood, says: "Resident Evil … Two!".

Well, 20 years after the first release of the first Playstation, we are getting closer to what many fans expect in the world: the developer Capcom announced a remake for the current console and PC

Leon Kennedy is back

Part of the series, which was revived almost to death on various consoles and in various forms, remained part 2 of the long series in the treasure chest.

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At E3 Los Angeles, Capcom presented the first game, barely 30 minutes long demo. As in the original, the player takes over the young protagonist Leon Kennedy, freshly graduated from the Police Academy.

When he plans to serve at Racoon City, the local police station has already been attacked by zombies and most of the military have been eradicated. A virus from the Umbrella Corporation had initially transformed ordinary citizens, but now also bit the police into the carnivorous undead. As before, a slightly different campaign can be played with student Claire Redfield.

The version on Playstation 4 recreates perfectly the atmosphere of the original. Then as now it's raining outside in torrents. The difference is that Leon's skin and clothes get wet when he walks in the rain. The drops are visible on the forehead. The graphics are so detailed that even the nails seem real.

A zombie from behind

In the alley behind the hall died in body bags, which could not be removed in the climbing situation. In the station, bloody footprints stick to the tiles, empty rations drag. Hospitals were installed in the hallways in an improvised manner.

This is how the environment tells the story, but you have to read a lot of things through texting on computers or slips of paper. Although it slows the pace of the game, at the same time it could come from behind, but unnoticed a rooted zombie. First I have to deal with a rifle, but gradually I find weapons with more Krawumm.

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The Racoon City Police Station I recognize immediately. As in the past, it's big enough in the new version. Stone lions and antique offices are even more beautiful in the current charts. Looking at the many new details that have been added, we can be happy that the remake only appears now and is not already engraved on the Playstation 2 or 3.

The game was developed from scratch . In the police station itself, it seems to be still in 1998, clumsy computers remained. It is still stored today on legendary typewriters. To open locked doors, I have to solve puzzles. At first, they are quite easy and build self-confidence.

Light is a Scarce Resource

The longer the horror journey lasts, the more one can doubt its mental capacity. Fortunately, there is Google today: if you gave up, you can start the Walk of Shame and get the solution on the Internet.

Keep an eye on the environment. We look over Leon's shoulder, from the point of view of the third person. However, whoever ignores what is happening in the background can suddenly look directly into the eyes of an undead by turning quickly. Even as a mature man, I still scream loudly

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Light is a scarce resource in the police station. The long dark corridors are often lit only by the little Leon flashlight. Thus, the incredibly elegant minimalism of the legendary old games on the Playstation 4.

The game is not for the faint of heart, in 1998 he landed because of the dramatic violence on the index . It was only in 2014 that the ban was lifted. We are just used to worse today. Despite the indexing, more than 83 million copies have been sold until now

The game arrives on January 25

The bullet holes in the zombies are visible in the new version, and those who attack with the knife also leave their mark. Unlike earlier, beasts today, but hold a lot more. Even several shots in the head do not provide peace.

Yes, it seems pretty brutal. But that's just about everything, Resident Evil is one of the most famous surviving horror games of all time. No less thanks to the different shootings with Milla Jovovic, the series came into the mainstream. If you want to be scared, you can use Resident Evil. As a movie or as a game.

Overpowering riddles and all the horror, by the way, I never went out of the police station in 2000 – I was too scared of that. From January 25, 2019, I try again.

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