Rest, you are so beautiful


Thursday, 26.07.2018

Statements of love to the people and in continuous loop: The singer James Blunt is invited to Dresden.

  With James Blunt, an all-inclusive program of radio success and dog watching, the crowd goes to the Dresden Guard Junge.
James Blunt introduces the Young Guard Dresden with a bunch of radios and all-inclusive dogs Crowds in heat.

© Robert Michael

Is it heat, a race for management, or your own desire for a normal life? Or why a superstar like James Blunt says things like: "It's my favorite guitar because it's so small. I take him to bed, then I feel taller. "Or:" The group is so far behind, so I look bigger. "Folk proximity is the indescribable magic word in one of the props Tuesday guard Dresden guards.

From the beginning, the leader of the American ballad bads the scene, calls his audience and his triggers, first with more charm than music, euphoria and excuse again: "I do not speak good German, only three words: thank you, thank you, thank you very much. "And of course, everything works fine because Blunt is often synonymous with all." I sing a romantic song now, about my wedding day. "For many songs, lard blows so directly into In the ear, this man or woman must be different strong.The pairs of luck munch equally on cotton floss very harmonious.And that's what James Blunt distributes with almost all his successes. " But not "You're beautiful", I will not sing that today. "In some eyes, there's still hope. Instead, the man with his well-repeated band digs the very first single "High". "Since all the ladies can sing, because the song is so high that the dogs start to scream."

With the spirit and charm James Blunt makes a good pitch, where you usually faint and you walk on your feet then look at the exit of the savings r rampant osierie. And although you can grasp in a kind of mbad hypnosis swirling through the straw and absorb a breath of substance under the foaming applause – a song about Donald Trump. "I did not mention it during the tour in North America, but I want to go back there," jokes Blunt, who has an expressive and much harder voice than on record. . The ex-soldier quickly invites people to cross war zones destroyed using the LED wall in the background and sing on new walls.

In spite of all the pleasant and voluntary wishes, there are always the stories of the sewing box, which give the worthless evening the St. John's wort. "I confess, I've been exaggerating a little earlier, during the big tour, I was not in the head of the poster.It was Ed Sheeran.It's m & # 39; He also showed how to write songs. "Of course, Blunt knows that he does not need that." With "you're beautiful" he satisfies and fuels the desire of the artist. And finally, a woman sums up a heart and the evening is full of meaning: "James Blunt is always so funny, I think he's great, I love him."



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