Richard Wagner Bayreuth Festival: Still in Bayreuth – Culture


Pragmatic, persistent, in crisis: Katharina Wagner will be on the red carpet for the tenth time on Wednesday as Festival Director Richard Wagner, welcoming Angela Merkel to Bayreuth. Since her debut as festival director, Richard Wagner's great-granddaughter has become something like Angela M. of Green Hill. She has survived a number of scandals, she defies the storms, even if she counts as counted.

What had not been going on since Wolfgang Wagner – whose daughter inherited the Franconian Dickskull – resigned in 2008 after decades of eternity, In 2010, the traditionalists protested with furious storms against " Lohengrin "by Hans Neuenfels – the glorious Rättische production quickly became cult. In 2012, the "Dutch" Russian Evgeni Nikitin had to be replaced because of a so-called swastika tattoo shortly before the first. In 2013, the tragedy of Frank Castorf's "Ring" has warmed his spirits – Kirill Petrenko's leadership is looking forward to it all. Then Jonathan Meese was fired as director of "Parsifal" in 2016, and instead hired Uwe-Eric Laufenberg. Less than four weeks before the premiere, conductor Andris Nelson blasted the case, instead of Letten, 37, led by Hartmut Haenchen, 73. 2017 has pbaded unabated on stage, even the short-term rejection of Roberto Alagna for the title role of the premiere of "Lohengrin" directed by Yuval Sharon this year is really a child's game in comparison. Whatever it is, the audience is mainly drawn to the scenography, it comes from Neo Rauch and Rosa Loy

The invention of the children's opera Bayreuth, the opening Bayreuth rampart, online tickets and open-air broadcasting, which is also part of Katharina Wagner's ten-year record. No revolutionary innovator, cautious, even provocative.

Artistic balance can still improve

People like to say stupidly, there is a smart woman behind every successful man. For Bayreuth, you could turn the sentence. The musical director, Christian Thielemann, directed the ten Wagner operas at the Festspielhaus with the "Lohengrin" conductor, only Felix Mottl did it more than 100 years ago. Rock in the waves? Thielemann himself is not the most circumspect artist, knowing that Wagner has been cooperating with him for so long.

And the artistic balance? Neuenfels' "Lohengrin" is in Wolfgang's account, Castorf's "Ring" remains controversial, Katharina's dark "Tristan" disappointed, Barrie Kosky's "Meistersinger" coupe is now in its second year. Bayreuth needs more exciting the stage of the crisis.

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