Robin Wright: I did not really know Spacey – stars


The 52-year-old actress played alongside Spacey in the award-winning hit series "House of Cards", but now reveals that she's offside from her colleague, who is accused of badual harbadment by a chain of men I have never really understood well. In the "Today" show, she said: " Kevin and I knew each other between" Action "and" Cut "and during the makeover, when we laughed, I did not know him, I did not know the man, I knew him

Sexual Harbadment

In October of last year, Spacey was accused by the actor Anthony Rapp of have made him badual advances while he was only 14. Since then, several other men have commented and made the Hollywood star similar allegations.

Spacey, then old 58, was expelled from the series "House of Cards" and apologized to Rapp, although he stressed that he did not remember the incident.

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