Romantic Dodge of Paris


Romantic Paris Mudguard

"Love makes everyone roll" is a fun in the style of "Pretty best friends".

Jocelyn does not have the truth. The boss of a business sneakers flunkers without interruption. Whether at the airport ("I have two kilos of grbad with me") or in the presence of pretty women ("I was a fisherman in Lisbon"). Franck Dubosc plays a playboy in "Love gets things rolling", while he looks at the other behind and covers his pool from a distance.

When her mother dies, Jocelyn visits her apartment and gets into her wheelchair. Suddenly, neighbor Julie is in hot pants in the room. She is a nurse and considers Jocelyn paraplegic. Jocelyn takes advantage of the misunderstanding – and hopes for a pity bonus.

Julie, however, has a different plan. Because Julie has a beautiful sister – and Florence (Alexandra Lamy) is herself sitting in a wheelchair. Quite simply, it 's already betrayed, that' s why it 's not everything. Comedy does not start with a joke at first. Witz on colonoscopy included. The closer Florence and Jocelyn are, the more enjoyable the movie is. We must inevitably think about "Pretty Best Friends" 2011.

This film is now about to talk about the lives of people with disabilities. You rarely see such stories and scenes on the screen. In Germany alone, about one in eleven people live with a physical or mental disability. According to the Federal Statistical Office, by the end of 2017, there were about 7.8 million people. However, many people do not know how to speak or behave.

This is how Jocelyn remembers Barney Stinson in the television series "How I Met Your Mother". Only grayer and older. The comedian Dubosc not only plays the lead role, but is also the author and director of the film. He also had the idea of ​​the scenario through his mother, who finally had to rely on a wheelchair.

He has always wanted to tell a story of love between physically different people. "Child, I fell in love with a girl who had a very strong goal," quotes the company Dubosc. Everyone would have laughed at her, but he had seen her with different eyes.

The role of Dubosc in this role is very important: "I wanted to show all the stupid things that are said by ignorance and disappear as soon as you do it. look lovingly at the other person. "But what will happen to him and Florence, who plays tennis in his wheelchair and performs as a violinist? At first, the attention paid to many old gentleman's pouches and to exaggerated scenes, "Love gets you rolling" is always a nice movie.

Love takes everything, France 2018 – Director: Franck Dubosc, Alexandra Lamy, 109 min [19659018] (dpa)

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