ROUNDUP / Equities New York Conclusion: Business concerns drive down prices | message


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NEW YORK – (dpa-AFX) – US investors are under control of commercial concerns. In a very nervous market, the main stock indices fell sharply on Monday, before bouncing back a bit. In the end, however, the losses were significantly higher, especially in highly cyclical technology stocks.

The trigger for lower prices was a message from the Bloomberg news agency. According to circles mentioned above, the United States was preparing to take all imports from China from customs duties. That would be set in motion if the talks planned between the President of the United States Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping on the occasion of the G-20 meeting, no solution to the trade dispute between the two countries will be found.

Dow Jones Industrial (Dow Jones 30 Industrial) widened Friday's losses, losing 0.99% to 24,442.92 points. During trading, the main US index rose 10% after the record reached in early October. The S & P 500 at the market scale declined 0.66% to 2641.25 points. The NASDAQ 100 technology selection index lost 2.02% to 6713.90 points. He had meanwhile dropped about 4%.

Now, the meeting with Xi Jinping in November gives an even more explosive explosion to the stock exchanges, wrote Portfolio Manager Thomas Altmann of QC Partners. After the sharp price cuts, nobody wanted to buy too soon and find themselves a second time on the wrong foot.

On the Nasdaq 100, the papers of the manufacturer of NVIDIA computer graphics cards have lost more than 6%. Shares of Netflix Streaming Corporation and Google Shares C of the parent alphabet Google (C alphabet (ex Google)) each reported about 5%.

On the side of Dow, investors of the aircraft manufacturer Boeing had to face a loss of 6.59%. IBM newspapers have also been the second most sensitive badet: the computer veteran wants to get a bigger share of IT spending companies and swallow Linux Linux Red Hat specialist. With a total of $ 34 billion, this acquisition would be the largest in the history of IBM. Red Hat's software is used, among other things, for the operation of cloud applications. While IBM's shares lost more than 4%, Red Hat jumped 45% to 169.63 USD. However, the offer price is $ 190 per share.

IBM wants to accelerate with the acquisition of Red Hat, the concentration on cloud commerce that thrives globally, writes DZ Bank badyst Ingo Wermann. The price, which must be paid, is indeed very high, but should bear fruit in the long run.

Bank stocks were in demand in the Dow, with Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan (JPMorgan ChaseCo) up 1 and 1.38%, respectively. Already in Europe, the values ​​of the industry were among the favorite values, after the rating agency S & P has maintained its credit rating for Euroland in difficulty, Italy.

Outside the Dow, Ford (Ford Motor) paper sales jumped 3%. Goldman Sachs had recommended the purchase of shares of the automaker. The new models should allow the return of earnings growth, said badyst David Tamberrino.

The Eurocourse price has benefited somewhat from the recovery of commercial concerns and has recently traded at 1.1384 USD. The European Central Bank set the benchmark rate at 1.1381 dollars (Friday: 1.1345 dollars). The dollar had cost 0.8787 (0.8815) euro. In the US government bond market, the ten-year guidance document lost 2/32 points to 98 7/32 points and reported 3.085 percent. Hey

— By Lutz Alexander, dpa-afx —

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