Royals: Drama around Meghan – three employees escaped from the palace because of her


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Currently, there are still negative rumors about Meghan

  • Three close employees of Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan resigned shortly after the royal wedding.
  • We speculate if the reason could be the behavior of Meghan.

The Duchess Meghan, still radiant behind the walls of the castle, is it probably less angelic than we thought?

Already last week, rumors had circulated that Meghan was especially distinguished in the preparations for the royal wedding by his obstinate demands.

Meghan had a clear idea of ​​her tiaras for the wedding, which had violated the ideas of the royal family. An insider revealed that it was too much violent clashes between her and the court staff had come that even Queen Elizabeth II had to speak a word of power.

Several internal sources indicated that Meghan was not involved in anyone's preparation and was very difficult.

The stubbornness of Meghan could have chased even three employees of the palace. A royal insider of the British newspaper "Daily Mail" revealed it.

Duchess Meghan's closest confidante leaves the farm after a few months

Among other things, the closest confidante and Meghan's personal advisor within the palace turned away from her. The employee, known only as "Melissa", quit her job only six months after the royal wedding.

An insider told the newspaper: "It's a real shock, why should you leave such a prestigious job so soon?"

The source described the Duchess of Susbad's badistant as an extremely talented person who plays a very important role within the Royal Marriage of Harry and Meghan play. The royal court has not yet made an official statement to announce the dismissal.

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Samantha Cohen (right behind Duchess Meghan) worked for the royal family for 17 years.

Queen's confidant Samantha Cohen is 17 years old

However, "Melissa" is not the only one to have escaped from the palace since Meghan became an official member of the royal family. The Daily Mail also reports that Samantha Cohen will soon take up her post. private secretary of Harry and Meghan go

Cohen previously worked for the English Royal House for 17 years, describing himself as "Deeply committed to the service of the British monarchy"She was considered one of the closest confidants of the queen. Early in the year, she was tasked to prepare Meghan for the role of Royal.

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Edward Lane Fox has already left the Royals in the summer

In addition, Edward Lane Fox quit his job this summer after many years. He has been Prince Harry's closest confidant and private secretary since 2003. Shortly before the royal wedding, he announced that his work would be completed in the summer of this year.

Was the supposed wedding drama around Meghan too much for him? Or is it just a coincidence that three close badociates of Harry and Meghan voluntarily left the palace in such a short time?

The Royal Household employee told the Daily Mail: "The loss of a household member can happen to anyone. Losing three in a few months seems to be the beginning of a mbadive escape. "

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