Salzburg: Millions of dollars with Caleta-Car already fixed? – Soccer


Duje Caleta-Car proudly declares himself vice-world champion. Although he was not allowed to play a game for the Croats at the World Cup in Russia, he still won a medal at the closing ceremony. What is the next? His days near Salzburg seem to be numbered. The "Bulls" are facing a lucrative transfer case.

Fans of Croatia on the Ottakringer Strbade

Arrive in Marseille

The 21-year-old must move to France. Wednesday Olympique Marseille will be the test of fitness, then the contract will be definitively fixed. The French want to pay Salzburg for the central defender 17 million euros of transfer fees. Caleta-Car must sign a five-year contract.

Good deals

For the master of Austria a company bombs. The Mozartstädter paid € 50,000 for the Caleta Car training in Pasching. He played in the Salzburg jersey 130 games, won four championships and three Cup wins. Salzburg is now winning 340 times with the case.

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