Salzburger Festspiele 2018: It is as well as the opening of today is


Military honors for two presidents on the Residenzplatz, the opening ceremony of the festival at the Felsenreitschule, the political discussions at the Residenz and the Magic Flute party at the Großes Festspielhaus – these are the elements of the program that define themselves today in the capital.

The reception of military honors for President Alexander Van der Bellen and his guest, the Portuguese President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, in the old town of Salzburg takes place at 10.30. Then state leaders, as well as Governor Wilfried Haslauer (ÖVP) and other representatives of the federal, state and city governments go to the Festspielhaus, where the festival opens its doors. doors at 11:00. The speech will be given by the German writer and historian Philipp Blom.

Ceremony at the Felsenreitschule

President Helga Rabl-Stadler will welcome the guests, followed by greetings from Governor Wilfried Haslauer and Minister of Culture Gernot Blümel (ÖVP). After Philipp Blom's speech, President Alexander Van der Bellen will open the festival

Music Festival Productions

The Mozarteum Orchestra Salzburg organizes the musical part under the direction of Kent Nagano. The program includes the opening of Leonard Bernstein's "Candide", Gottfried von Einem's Ballade for Orchestra opus 23 and Richard Strauss's "Dance of the Seven Veils". At the beginning of the ceremonial act, the national anthem is played and the musical finale is traditionally the national anthem and the European anthem.

Salzburg in the limelight of the world audience

The official opening of the Salzburg Festival at the Felsenreitschule is of particular political importance. Jüri Ratas and Andrej Babiš, Macedonian Foreign Minister, a Minister of Qatar, several Austrian ministers, 58 ambbadadors, including the 28 EU representatives and the diplomatic representative of the United States of America.

Meeting with EU representatives and working discussion

Immediately after the opening ceremony, a lunch will be served at the Salzburg Residence, which will be donated by the State and the city in honor of the Portuguese President and his wife. There will be a brief meeting with the members of the Permanent Representatives Committee of the Member States to the European Union. Subsequently, a working discussion between the two heads of state is contemplated

A lot of political significance at the premiere of Magic Flute

British Prime Minister Theresa May is also expected in the city of Mozart. In the afternoon, she will meet Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and, in the evening, will attend the premiere of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's opera "The Magic Flute" at the Große Festspielhaus. The event will include Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen, Portuguese President, British Prime Minister Theresa May, Estonian and Czech Prime Ministers, Jüri Ratas and Andrej Babiš, Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and Federal Ministers Gernot Blümel and Juliane Bogner-Strauß as well as many other high-ranking guests expected from politics, economics and culture.

Source: SN

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