Samsung announces the launch of the Exynos 9820


After a user interface and a collapsible smartphone, Samsung has not yet announced: the manufacturer will already introduce the next generation of Exynos chipset, which should feature on the Galaxy S10. In addition to the Exynos 9820 could also be a 5G modem on the plane.

Galaxy S10: Samsung announces the launch of the Exynos 9820

(c) Samsung

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After a user interface and a collapsible smartphone, Samsung has not yet announced: the manufacturer will already introduce the next generation of Exynos chipset, which should feature on the Galaxy S10. In addition to the Exynos 9820 could also be a 5G modem on the plane.


For the Mobile division of Samsung, the success will be fast in the second half of 2018. After Galaxy Note 9, Galaxy Watch and the new models Galaxy A with triple camera and quad as well as the presentation of the new UI and smartphone prototype with foldable screen , the next revelation is expected next week: November 14 The manufacturer will present the new Exynos chipset, which should be in the future Galaxy S10 and possibly other high-end smartphones of the coming year. The teaser "Intelligence from inside" published on Twitter, among others, indicates that the board of directors will have a neural chip dedicated to AI calculations, as recently reported.

According to previous information, the successor of the Galaxy S9 smartphone and Exynos 9810 chips built with Galaxy Note 9 could be Exynos 9820. It is allegedly equipped with a G76 MP18 Mail and again features a processor with the Mongoose (M4) cores designed by Samsung. It is still unclear whether the producer is solely responsible for the supercomputing tasks or whether he also welded for the first time an energy efficient processor on the chipset. Most likely, Samsung will manufacture the Exynos 9820 in EUVL 7nm (7LPP EUVL: Extreme Violet Ultraviolet Profile 7nm): In mid-October, the company launched the new manufacturing technology.

And another announcement could do Samsung next week: A 5G modem for smartphones. Supposedly, there are not only three models compatible with LTE Galaxy S10, probably exclusive in China, the manufacturer will also propose one with support for the new mobile standard.


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Learn more about: Android smartphone, smartphone, Galaxy smartphone

source: Samsung

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