Samsung has kidnapped the iPhone X in new advertising clips> Meedia


  Full Sideside Against the iPhone: Samsung Delivers Again Against Apple's Fanboys
Full side facing the iPhone: Samsung shares again against Apple Fanboys off
Photo: Screen Capture © YouTube / Samsung

Once again, Samsung is adoring new commercials against Apple. South Koreans remain true to their well-known model and scene before the upcoming launch of new iPhone scoffers on Apple smartphones and their loyal buyers. In four spots Samsung discovers flaws in the iPhone X, buyers of the new Galaxy S9 flagship model would not have known – when charging, the speed of the processor, when using the 39, an adapter or the camera.


] By Nils Jacobsen

Anti-Apple advertising has a long tradition at Samsung. Legendary villain were the blows before the launch of the iPhone 5 in 2012, when South Koreans were making fun of the little Apple iPhone, while Samsung had long proposed Phablets.

Two years later, Apple fans after the launch of the iPhone 6 their ritual worship of the technological pioneer went through the cocoa – with the Note 4, Samsung still had a larger smartphone than Apple with the 6 Plus.

And even Apple's latest flagship iPhone X was punctually launched by South Koreans Under the spotlight "Growing Up" (German: Growing Up) was disbadembled last November.

Assuming there is not more than six weeks left, the game starts again. Apple is expected to bring three new iPhone models this year, and thus determine the media buzz at least until Christmas. […] It's high time for Samsung again with a pack of four benefits in the new 30-second videos under the buzzword "Ingenius" (in English: awesome) for a change to their own flagship product, launch in April Galaxy S9 drum.


Once again, you can see some angry parodies of Apple's employees pushing the boundaries of Apple's products at the legendary Genius bar. Sometimes it is the speed of the processor of the iPhone X, sometimes the charging speed, that it can not compete with the Galaxy S9's fast charge function.

Also with the camera

Meanwhile, South Koreans get the best effect of the campaign with a short clip called "Dongle", which not only has the (frequent) need for an adapter, but also the designation -Dongle & # 39; "Does not work for the elderly") savoring.

Punkt für Samsung. In early September, it is up to Apple to play the counter-attack …

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