Samsung opens the world's largest smartphone factory in India


  Samsung factory in Noida, India: 120,000 smartphones will be manufactured on 140,000 square meters per year from 2020.

South Korean electronics group Samsung opened the largest smartphone factory in world near New Delhi on Tuesday, with budget smartphones on a total area of ​​140,000 square meters but also flagship devices such as the upcoming Galaxy S9 are being manufactured.

Samsung has deliberately badembled some models of smartphones in India for years, most of which are budget devices not for the global market but directly for distribution Now the big company apparently wants to change its strategy a bit: Today Samsung has opened in Noida, India. New Delhi is the largest smartphone factory in the world. News agencies Reuters and Bloomberg, among others, reported it.

The plant was officially inaugurated Tuesday during a visit by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and South Korean President Moon Jae-in. Samsung already operates a production plant in Noida. The opening of the second plant is part of a major growth strategy in the subcontinent: with the expansion, Samsung wants to expand its smartphone manufacturing capacity in India by 68 million. devices to more than 120 million, according to a company statement. At the beginning of construction in 2017, he also said that Samsung would invest about 49.2 billion rupees ($ 716.6 million) over a three-year period in the plant's expansion. The factory is gradually expanding to 140,000 square meters. Construction work should be completed by 2020.

Fight for market leadership – in India and around the world

Samsung is established in the Indian market with the equipment festival of budget, although the company in this segment is the Chinese leader Xiaomi competitors have had to resign. However, Samsung does not just want to regain its leading position in India, but wants to pursue a comprehensive strategy. It should be done in the new factory not only as previously budget smartphones, as well as flagship models such as the Galaxy S9.

India is the second largest smartphone market in the world, behind China and the United States, also because of its high population density. For industrialists, India is particularly interesting because of its high growth potential: out of its 1.3 billion inhabitants, only 425 million have a smartphone, writes Bloomberg. Western markets are considered saturated, in China, local manufacturers dominate sales. There is still a lot of untapped market potential in India. However, because of the relatively low average income of low-end devices at low prices dominate the market – with a reason why Samsung rival Apple has so far failed to gain foothold in India. According to a Cisco Systems study, there will be 780 million networked smartphones in the sub-continent by 2021.

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