Samsung opens the world's largest smartphone factory »Leadersnet


The factory in India is expected to produce 120 million new devices a year

Samsung has opened the world's largest smartphone factory in India. The Noida plant, on the outskirts of the capital, New Delhi, produces 120 million mobile phones a year, said Monday the South Korean electronics giant. The devices are intended for the Indian market. 1.3 billion people live on the subcontinent, of which only 425 million currently own a smartphone.

The fastest growing smartphone market in the world

The market has a lot of potential. According to the IDC market research company, smartphone sales in India grew by 14% just last year. A total of 124 million units were sold. India is the fastest growing smartphone market in the world. In contrast, worldwide smartphone sales declined 0.3% in 2017. According to Samsung, smartphones would be available at less than $ 100 each.

The factory was inaugurated in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and South Korean President Moon Jae In. The new factory wants to better equip Samsung against competition from Chinese rivals like Xiaomi in the cheaper price segment . Xiaomi is planning three more factories in India this year alone. Even Apple already produces in India, but it is difficult to conquer the market itself

Apple is not in the top 5

According to the Bloomberg news agency, the group California Cupertino sells its devices under $ 500 ($ 425), but badysts say that in the first three months of the year, Cbadys was not among the top five smartphone vendors in India. According to Cbadys, Xiaomi's low-cost handsets, with a 31 percent market share in the first quarter of this year, were the top sellers in India, with Samsung coming in second with 25 percent. (As)

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