Scandal Diesel: Opel has it been manipulated? – Kraftfahrtbundesamt checks suspicion – Economy – Economic and Financial News


According to Bild am Sonntag should be handled at Opel emissions from diesel vehicles. 60,000 cars are affected. The authorities are investigating the suspicion.

In the case of exhaust gas emissions from diesel engines, the Federal Office of Transport (KBA) is currently investigating a hint of manipulation at Opel. The Federal Ministry of Transport confirmed on Saturday a report by Bild am Sonntag after which the Federal Office found reliable information. "There is an official hearing against Opel for three Euro 6 models," a spokesman for the ministry said. Before the result can be determined, nothing conclusive can be said about the inadmissibility of the device of defeat.

Threshold of nitrogen oxides more than tenfold

The newspaper reported that the KBA had found evidence that the builder had a post-treatment exhaust gas technically unexplained reasons while the driving stops completely. Affected are according to Bild am Sonntag worldwide 60,000 diesel vehicles models Cascada, Insigna and Zafira with the emission standard 6 – including 10,000 cars from Germany. Current production however is not affected, according to the newspaper business.

According to BamS suspicious vehicles exceeded the limit values ​​of nitrogen oxides by more than ten times. The BKA informed Opel of the suspicion and asked for an opinion. The automaker now has two weeks for that. Current production is not affected, cited BamS business circles.

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According to the report, suspect vehicles exceeded the limit values ​​for nitrogen oxides by more than 10 times. The KBA informed Opel of the suspicion and asked for an opinion. The manufacturer now has two weeks to do it.

Up to now, Opel has dismissed manipulation claims in the purification of exhaust gases. "At Opel, we do not use any illegal software," group leaders said in May 2016. At that time, German environmental aid had accused Opel, as well as VW and Audi of cheating the emissions of # 39; exhaust.

In the diesel scandal, Rupert Stadler was arrested

Opel ranks next to BMW, Audi, VW and Daimler in the crowd. car manufacturers, accused of having manipulated the emission levels of diesel cars. The diesel scandal erupted in 2015, when Volkswagen admitted to installing illegal software in about 11 million diesel cars of various brands in the world, thus reducing nitrogen oxide emissions in standardized tests – but not in normal road operation.

Chief Rupert Stadler was arrested because he apparently wanted to influence the witnesses. Former VW boss Martin Winterkorn is charged with conspiracy to commit fraud in the United States


The case of exhaust gases handled in German diesel cars is also featured in our podcast. Here you can listen:

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