Scandal of the Nobel Prize for Literature: Arnault again in court


Stockholm – The drama of the Swedish Academy is at its next act: Monday, the man in court who sparked the protest in the revered body: Jean-Claude Arnault, husband of Academician Katarina Frostenson The French is trying to reverse the conviction for rape.

Many women accused of badual harbadment

The Stockholm court sentenced the 72-year-old to two years in prison in early October. The court of appeal Svea Hövrett is renegotiating the case.

The decision at trial was the culmination of the scandal that lasted a year and began with many women accusing Arnault of badual harbadment and badual badault. In addition, he and his wife were suspected of writing the names of the Nobel laureates and receiving grants. An indictment for corruption was dropped for lack of evidence.

The Swedish Academy was not in agreement on how to handle the allegations. Some, like the recently retired theologian Jayne Svenungsson, supported Frostenson, others called for extensive training and resignation. In the absence of a majority vote, Kjell Espmark, Peter Englund, then the jury president, Sara Danius, stopped working in April and paralyzed the academy. The Nobel Prize for Literature 2018 had to be canceled.

The wife of Arnault does not want to leave the space

Meanwhile, the Academy has modernized its statutes, its members have resigned and new elected officials. But the crisis is not resolved. On the way, Katarina Frostenson. The poet refuses, despite a request, to leave his chair voluntarily. She now insists that the allegations made against her should be the subject of a thorough investigation. It's just for the Academy. "This means that we can further investigate suspicions of violation of the statutes," said Permanent Secretary Anders Olsson.

The trial of Jean-Claude Arnault is scheduled for three days. A verdict was expected at the earliest one week after the end of the trial, the court said. (APA / dpa)

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