Serbs on the Croatian President: Alcoholinda! – 2018 World Cup


She stole the show from kickers in the World Cup final!

Croatians celebrate in Zagreb

The President of Croatia, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, who just wanted to kiss and embrace everyone at the awards ceremony. Even the pouring rain could not stop the 50-year-old – for its friendly appearance, it was celebrated around the world.

And that's not quite true. In the neighboring country of Serbia, which has tense relations with Croatia because of history and war in Yugoslavia, Grabar-Kitarovic is now slandered in some newspapers.

"Drunken Kolinda" in English

"Irresistible or drunk?", Says the newspaper "Blic" in the room. The tabloid "Informer" goes a little further. "The drunkard Kolinda was a bigger star than the" checkerboard "" she submits to the politician. And the "Kurir" simply titled "Alkoholinda".

"I did not want to restrain myself", Grabar-Kitarovic justifies his emotional brilliance during the celebration of victory in a television interview. "I wanted to be human and show how much we love our homeland and our team, how proud we are."

And that was what the whole world liked – only a part of the newspapers of Serbia did not have it …

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