Sex parties and skewer heads in a weird update


With the penis slider, you can determine the size of your character's bads in Scum himself. But the functionality is not purely aesthetic.With the penis slider, you can determine the size of your character's bads in Scum himself. But the functionality is not purely aesthetic.

The survival game Scum adds another provocative title to his wallet. Guilt is this time Wild-Hunter UpdateAccording to the description on Steam, it meets the primitive needs of characters (and players).

Included in the package is a penis slider for character creation curiously related to the character's intelligence. The larger one adjusts the human member, the more stupid becomes the character. Extremely tall penis wearers even lose some dexterity. Bonus for buyers of fan packs: 5 centimeters.

Survivalgender is not a new idea, a penis slider tells the competitor Conan Exiles. In addition, users can read our interview with Conan's chief developer, Joel Bylos, in which we ask him why.

Conan Exiles: Interview – "Why a penis slider?" (More)

Foam musical instruments

Who is a little more awesome to listen, maybe wants to do some music. To do this, the developer Gamepires has inserted three musical instruments into Scum. Banjo, guitar and harmonica but do not play alone (like the Fallout 76 instruments), but they must be played by themselves.

Banjo, guitar and harmonica are ready to play in Scum.Banjo, guitar and harmonica are ready to play in Scum.

For this, the following notes have been badigned to the keyboard keys:

  • R = C
  • 5 = C #
  • T = D
  • 6 = D #
  • Y = E
  • U = F
  • 8 = F #
  • I = G
  • 9 = G #
  • O = A
  • 0 = A #
  • P = B

Heads of kebabs

To keep your opponents away from your side, you can place the cut heads on skewers in the landscape. It works on the system of plans of the last major update of Scum. One can at least doubt that the opposing players can really be dissuaded by this.

Terrible: With severed heads, you can signal that you do not understand the pleasure.Terrible: With severed heads, you can signal that you do not understand the pleasure.

New necklaces made of human teeth or ears are also archaic. According to Gamepires, the tooth collar is an urgent desire of the community.

Bow and arrow and balance

For hunting or stealth fighting, you are now in Scum Bow and arrow available. Both versions are available in two variants: bows in curved and improvised versions and arrows in carbon and wood versions. High quality specimens appear as loot on Scum Island, while others can be made by themselves.

In addition, the Wild Hunter update for Scum provides an option for server owners, fly over the world of the game with dronesA number of balance changes, such as halving the rate of appearance of military loot and closing the rate of appearance of normal loot, as well as bug fixes complete the update package.

Balance adjustments make survival in the game world more difficult. With that the developers go a Not in the right directionThe mere aspect of survival was also one of the criticisms of our first access test. You access the test by clicking on the blue button below:

(K) a DayZ clone with insidious features – scum in the early access test

SCUM - The trailer approves the anticipated release in August


SCUM – The trailer approves the anticipated release in August

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