Share photos with friends via the iCloud link


In iOS 12, users will be able to share photos with viewers outside of the iCloud. For this purpose, a link is created, which only works for a certain time. The feature had already been announced at WWDC.

Apple packaged a new feature of iOS 12 in beta for the first time. iOS 12 Beta 3, which was released yesterday for developers, now allows to share photos from the iCloud photo library with other users.

To this end, a new entry will be added to the sharing menu that appears in the Photos menu. The application can be seen in an open image.

Share photos via link

This allows you to share one or more selected photos with users who are outside their own photo library. For this purpose, there is now a new entry in the Sharing menu, which creates a corresponding link and places it in the clipboard when clicked on,

It can then be distributed to other users via iMessage, SMS, WhatsApp or other means. iOS 12 Beta 3 – Share Photos via iCloud Link – Screen Capture / WakeUp Media "width =" 473 "height =" 1024 "srcset =" uploads / 2018/07 / iOS12-Bild-teilen-Linkkopieren-564×1221.png 564w,×1024.png 473w,×1663.png 768w, /2018/07/iOS12-Bild-teilen-Linkkopieren-129×280.png 129w,×375.png 173w ,×512.png 236w, 2018/07 / iOS12-Bild-teilen-Linkkopieren-946×2048.png 946w, 1125w "sizes = "(max-width: 473px) 100vw, 473px"

iOS 12 Beta 3 – Share Photos via iCloud Link – Screen Capture / WakeUp Media

For 30 days, a recipient can select the selected photos to view and download as well. The site created for this purpose contains the usual metadata of photos, with one exception: GPS coordinates are removed before.

Currently, many vendors like Dropbox use it to quickly show pictures to other people, and the new option saves them Detour in a third app and closes a gap. Until now, iCloud users, who want to share their photos with strangers or friends, need to create a stream of photos and then publish it on the web, a tedious task with only a few pictures.

What's new in iOS 12

brings back some innovations and changes. What is new is summarized here for you.

We have an overview of iOS 12 as a whole in the video for you.

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