Siemens Medical Technology Subsidiary Exceeds Expectations «


With a final push in the field of computed tomography and X-ray machines, the SiemensHealthineers, a subsidiary of medical technology, escaped during the first year of trading. The cost of the IPO and the reduction of 350 jobs have reduced the operating profit of the fiscal year 2017/18 (end of September) by 12% to 2.11 billion euros. euros. Siemens Healthineers announced Monday before the press conference on the balance sheet in Frankfurt. Sales, neutral in foreign currency, increased by 4% to 13.4 billion euros, thus reaching the target of 3 to 4%. Adjusted return on sales was 17.2% lower than the previous year's 18.0%, as currency effects hurt operational growth. Siemens Healthineers had a margin of 17 to 18% in perspective.

The shareholders, especially the still with 85% involved Siemens AG, receive a dividend of 70 cents per share. This represents 55% of net profit of just under 1.3 billion euros (previous year: 1.4 billion euros). The IPO alone cost the company 103 million euros, which brought in 4.2 billion euros to the parent company in the spring. Healthineers shares rose 2.4% ahead of session, as sales and fourth quarter results exceeded badysts' expectations.

Managing Director, Bernd Montag, has developed more projects for the current fiscal year: "Due to the strength of our portfolio in all segments and the considerable acceleration of delivery of the diagnostic system of Atellica Solution Lab, we are confident for the 2019 fiscal year. " Then, the sales of the Erlanger group – excluding currency effects – should grow by 4 to 5% and the return on sale should reach between 17.5 and 18.5%.

Atellica is the great bearer of hope of the laboratory diagnostic division, in which Siemens Healthineers is the world number two behind Roche. Nearly 1,000 units of the new system were delivered in 2017/18, including about 430 in the fourth quarter. By September 2019, the number of Atellica systems installed is expected to increase from 3,200 to 3,500, and a year later, it is expected to reach 7,000. Manufacturers make the most money later with consumables.

During the last fiscal year, the Imaging Division (X-Ray, Ultrasound, Computed Tomography and MRI) was again by far the leading sales and profitability driver. In the fourth quarter alone, the division's sales grew 6% on a currency neutral basis, with an adjusted operating margin of 21.2%.

The shares were one of MDax's first favorites with more than 3.4%.

(APA / Reuters)

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