Skepticism in the bank with internet giants like Facebook


Vienna. (kle) Nine out of ten Austrians, innovation is very important. It is all the more surprising that almost no one wants to engage in banking transactions with Internet giants such as Amazon, Google or Facebook, although many of these companies are regarded as particularly innovative. This is in any case the conclusion of a representative poll of the Viennese Research Institute Integral from 900 Austrians for Erste Bank and Sparkbaden.

For Amazon, 83% of respondents said they did not want to use banking services. At Google, it's 87%, Facebook even 95%. Confidence in the home bank seems much greater. The rejection by the Austrians of so-called "fintech" companies (start-ups that rely on technologically advanced financial innovations and challenge traditional banking business models) is equally high. For eight out of ten respondents, these offers are not interesting. "Nevertheless, we must not lose respect for these players," said Thomas Schaufler, Privatkundenvorstand of Erste Bank Austria. We know how fast that can change if such offers are integrated into people's daily lives. "One crucial point, however, is that Austrians place the emphasis on privacy, personal relationship and trust, so if you ask them where they think their data is safer, 72% think their data is safer in online banking than Amazon (7%). When asked which is the most reliable, only 2% think it's Google, 77% attribute it to at their online bank.

Erste Group, which operates in Austria and Eastern Europe, is developing its Internet banking platform "George" to expand the approximately 16 million customers. "George" has 2.5 million users, including nearly 1.6 million in Austria.

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