Smartphone still in sight – more and more short-sighted children


  The smartphone always in sight - more and more myopes

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The smartphone always in sight – more and more myopes

Global studies show that myopia increases in children and teenagers. Genetic and environmental factors are held responsible.

18. July 2018 – 00:00

Children who have a lot of big plans, like reading and reading smartphones and tablets, are at greater risk of myopia (myopia).

Myopia seems to be at the moment of tablets, laptops and computers Screen to be a modern evil. A recent Japanese study shows that 80% of 16-year-olds are nearsighted. In Europe, 45% of 25-30 year olds are currently nearsighted, compared to 22% in 2000. "Myopic six diopters, for example, have a 16-fold higher risk of retinal detachment, but the risk of dementia is high. appearance of a gray and green star and a macular degeneration also increases, "says Ulrike Pichler, MSc, senior orthoptist of the Sehschule at Kepler University Hospital in Linz. The main task of Orthoptistinnen, who completes a three-year college training, is the treatment of eye dysfunction.They work at Kepler University Hospital with ophthalmologists in the so-called Eye Care Team.

Genetic Component Present

"Myopia is often observed during puberty, from 8 to 12 years old, but it is always diagnosed earlier. Children arrive at the world at a great distance and up to the sixth – eighth maximum year of life, vision development is complete and offspring must be normal, "says Pichler.

A defective vision must be detected early, checked or treated properly. The examination of an ophthalmologist aged 22 to 26 months provided in the mother-child pbadport is important in this regard. "Here, a Schielscreening can be done and the visual development status clarified.In many cases, it is already possible to make a prognosis on a developing ametropia.It is best that your child undergoes an ametropia test at the age of two, four and six years with the ophthalmologist and the orthoptist.With myopia, one must take steps to avoid a rapid progression, "says the orthoptist. "The eyes of children can compensate, but if the son or daughter, for example, often tightens their eyes to see better off or wants to see everything up close, you have to check his eyes," advises the expert. 19659007] Myopia occurs when the eyeball is too long, resulting in blurred vision.The focus of the eye is not on, but in front of the retina.In young adults, the eyeball growth is complete and no major deterioration of myopia does not Occurrence

Outdoor Exposure Daily

Risk Factors for Infantile Myopia are:

  • Genetic Predisposition: If both myopic parents, the child has a risk six times more high, if a parent is myop, a risk three times higher.
  • If the play of the eyes does not work optimally: A possible strabismus, or if the accommodation capacity is impaired. Forcing myopia. If children only spend hours in close-ups, this can affect their ability to focus their eyes off. The eyes adapt to the near vision. Studies show that children who spend two to three hours doing homework (reading, doing homework, playing digital games, typing messages on their mobile phones or sitting on their computers) are twice as likely to myopia. Everyone should take breaks during sewing activities and watch for a minute or two, perhaps through the window in the green. Every 30 to 60 minutes also change the activity to change the conditions for cooperation of the eyes. Anyone sitting in front of the PC should also flash more often to avoid dry eyes.

    • Lack of stay in the light of day: Natural light influences the growth of the eye through the regulation of dopamine. In full sun, more dopamine is released, which has an inhibitory effect on eye growth. If a child stays outside a bit, he will continue to grow unchecked. Children should spend more than two hours a day in the light of day and let the view get lost. "Those who do not manage this daily should spend at least several hours in the nature, at least for the weekend," advises Ulrike Pichler, adding: "The natural brightness of the sun positively affects the eyes, but not the UV rays. Therefore, the eyes must be protected as a result of the UV light, that is to say that the sunglbades must be worn. "

    With the atropine against deterioration

    A existing myopia no longer develops. This is especially in children and adolescents, in which the ametropia worsens rapidly, to prevent this progression. "From Asia, where nearsightedness is already a big problem, comes a new form of therapy: highly diluted atropine droplet, alkaloid of nightshade, evening in the eye This has been found in the studies, a reduction of 30 to 77 percent of the progression.In Europe, this approach is just beginning, "says Pichler, who already sees an initial success with atropine in children. The ophthalmic drops of 0.01% atropine are manufactured in the pharmacy.The evening before bedtime, a drop of the solution is added to the eye.The therapy is very well tolerated and is programmed under control. Ophthalmologic biannual for two years, but can also be prolonged.The side effects are extremely rare because of their high dilution.

    Other ways to slow the progression are the Ortho-K (Orthokeratology) lenses. at night dimensionally stable, especially c Injected (rigid lenses) exert pressure on the cornea, which reduces the deterioration of myopia. These lenses worn during sleep are considered between 12 and 14 years old.

    Some myopic adults (up to 6 diopters) wear such Ortho-K lenses at night to avoid wearing glbades or lenses during the day. to be able to. However, you must have the cornea checked every three months.

    "It was thought that normal daytime contact lenses could prevent the progression of myopia, as opposed to soft contact lenses, but this is not true," says Pichler

    . Depending on the nature and severity of myopia, progressive lenses or multifocal soft contact lenses may also help slow the progression of myopia. "However, the effect is not as good as with atropine or Ortho-K lenses," explains the orthoptist. When wearing contact lenses, daily cleaning is very important. In the case of poor hygiene, the risk of inflammation is important, so it depends on the level of development of the child, that the use of contact lenses makes sense.

    Mag. Christine Radmayr

    July 2018

    Image: shutterstock


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