So, Jamie Lee Curtis really thinks about horror movies


Forty years have pbaded since the first appearance of Jamie Lee Curtis in the horror movie "Halloween". explained to her why she did not like horror movies, which frightened her and why she was proud of her children.

Bloody entertainment fans can rejoice – Mike Myers is back on the big screen and in the final installment of the "Halloween" saga, it's not just the dread of Jamie Lee Curtis. In the United States, the movie Slasher is already ringing at the box office. "The biggest horror film begins with a female lead, the biggest horror film begins with a woman over 55 and the second biggest movie launch of all time in October" , said the main actress on Twitter. In Germany, the shocking horror is visible from today – and so many things can already be revealed: it's not only scary, but also pretty bloody.

Shortly before the beginning of the film, we met Jamie Lee Curtis in Hamburg for an interview. The long mane that she always wears in the film is off. The little elf is also much better. The actress is in a good mood despite the many interviews. However, the Hollywood star is beset by a desire far too earthly: "I'm hungry," she admits frankly. But instead of asking for lobster, caviar or similar dishes, the 59-year-old only wants one thing: "I would like a roll." Then she adds with a laugh: "I need my carbs and they do not give them to me."

"I do not like horror movies, I never have any"

Her good humor is contagious and so crazy and scary that she also appears in the role of Laurie Strode in the film. Jamie Lee Curtis is laid-back and relaxed in real life. No, I'm not scared, "she laughs as she squeezes my hand softly.Yes, the actress even tells me that she herself is not at all a fan of movies for which she's been in front of the camera for years. "I do not like horror movies, I'll never have and I'll never like it, so I do not watch such movies, but I know people love them and I'm happy about that, but I do not like them, "she says,

How does Jamie Lee Curtis always manage to avoid being scared to death during filming? "I'm only an actress," says the native Californian. "It can be weird on the set, but I know everyone, Mike Myers is not a stranger to me, it's just a movie designed to thrill people and that's nice . "

Interview in Hamburg: Jamie Lee Curtis took the phone in her hands and took a selfie with's editor, Elke Habekost. (Source: in Hamburg: Jamie Lee Curtis took the phone in her hands and took a selfie with's editor, Elke Habekost. (Source:

Jamie Lee Curtis talks about his biggest fear

And who has played in so many horror films that Jamie Lee Curtis, of course, is not around the question of what the actress is really afraid of. The answer may surprise. Because it's not the spiders, the planes or the elevators that haunt the actress – it's the people.

"Violence has never been used against me and I will never try to claim any victimization, but every human being is afraid of nothing, it is the nature of man" said the star of "Halloween" calmly. "Unfortunately, my biggest fear is lying, because people who lie are troubling me and that when someone issues an opinion that I do not share, it suits me, I do not have to be d & # 39; Agree with him, but I know who he is and what his point of view is, but when you say something to me, but I mean completely different, I never know what kind of person he's from. acts, and I find it scary – unfortunately, there are just a lot of these people out there the world "

His children are his pride

Two, fortunately very different, belong to the family of Jamie Lee Curtis, more precisely, they are their two children. And when the actress talks about Annie and Thomas Guest, her eyes start to shine. "My children are extraordinary people, they are both very friendly, generous and kind – three words that I hope would apply to everyone, but especially to my own children."

Halloween minima emphasize that life can be difficult at times, that everyone has trouble surviving, eating and fighting abuse in all kinds of areas. "And I hope my kids were raised to fight for what they believe in," Jamie Lee Curtis says gravely. "That they fight for the rights of people who are denied or abused by any kind of corruption."

Halloween is from 25.10. to see in German cinemas

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