So succeed in images of the lunar eclipse – Multimedia


A rare natural phenomenon will be visible on July 27, 2018 in European regions: a special lunar eclipse. In this sky show, the sun, the earth and the moon are exactly aligned, so that the moon only reaches the red rays of the sun and becomes blood red.


Which camera do you mainly use to take pictures?

Supermond, Bloodmoon, Blue Moon in one fell swoop The most beautiful images of the Super Blue Bloodmoon

Exactly when the moon fell Around 8:25 pm, entering the shadow of the earth and putting the whole environment in a unique light, the night becomes a highlight of the photo.

But the photograph of the lunar eclipse has its pitfalls because the photos of the planetary constellation, perceived by the human eye, are not a child's play.

Fortunately, in July, at 103 minutes, the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century is expected, leaving plenty of time to repeatedly squeeze the trigger. For impressive images of the magical atmosphere, "Rollei" has put together some tips and tricks to adapt a camera in difficult conditions.

Paying attention to the forces of nature

Foremost, one must look at the weather forecast In addition, emphasize the blood moon, with strong clouds, however, an illumination is impossible .

In addition, you should pay attention to the sunrise and sunset times and the moon, because they already give an impressive pattern. The choice of place is also essential: A building, a tree or a mountain can give some touch to the photo, but also deny the view of the essential.

Avoid shaky pictures

Place, at the perfect moment, then the picture is blurred. To prevent this from occurring, a suitable tripod should be used for particularly long exposure and focusing without shaking. Due to the darkness, the exposure should not take more than ten seconds. If a shorter exposure time is sufficient for the environment, use it to avoid further jolts, for example wind on the tripod or the movement of the moon. In addition, the cable, the remote control and the self-timer help prevent vibrations by pulling the trigger.

The filters become the night

Artificial light sources such as street lights discolour the yellowish night light. Therefore, you should look for a dark place without artificial light sources for a photo of the lunar eclipse. If you can not completely escape the light pollution when selecting the location, a filter like the "Rollei Astroklar" filter, available in rectangular filters (100 mm and 150 mm) and screwed in different sizes, you help.

It reduces the effects of light pollution from artificial light sources and suppresses yellowing in the night sky. "The great success of the Rollei Astroklar filter has also pushed us to expand the range of multi-size screw filters," explains Thomas Güttler, Managing Director of Rollei. In addition to filters 67 mm, 72 mm, 77 mm and 82 mm, it will soon be available in sizes 39 mm, 40.5 mm, 49 mm, 52 mm, 55 mm, 58 mm, 62 mm, 86 mm, 95 mm and 105 mm

Another type of filter that facilitates night sky photography is an ND filter. It reduces the amount of light and improves the contrast without affecting the quality of the color.

Observe the camera settings

Due to low light, it is important to use autofocus switch to the manual. In principle, a fully manual setting is recommended, but even compact cameras with a large zoom range can achieve good photographic results.

Do not forget: If the camera is on a tripod, you must turn off the image stabilizer necessarily. With a normal full moon, you can set the ISO values ​​between 100 and 200 and leave the aperture at f / 8, but with the expected blood moon, a f / 5.6 to 1600 ISO could be the best setting on the Camera. Against the sound of the image, you can also make several images in series of exposure, then combine them.

With the right equipment and sufficient know-how, amateur photographers can now photograph the moon of blood in all its facets. And if it does not work with the perfect picture in this month of July – Friday, you have the next chance early next year. On January 21, 2019, you could photograph the Blood Moon in a winter landscape, but you will not have as much time as in July

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