Space: Virgin Galactic plans spaceport in Italy


Space tourism in Europe: Virgin Galactic also wants to offer commercial flights in space in Europe.

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  1. 21sportsgroup GmbH, Mannheim, Munich, Berlin
  2. Dataport, Altenholz near Kiel

The European space port of Virgin Galactic will be the Taranto-Grottaglie Airport. It is located near Taranto in Puglia, in the south of the peninsula. Virgin Galactic agrees with the Italian space companies Sitael and Altec, a subsidiary of the Italian space agency Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), agreed.

Virgin Galactic wants to park a spaceship permanently at Grottaglie Spaceport. It will be available at the ASI for scientific missions, but also for commercial flights with space tourists. The spaceship is supposed to be built by The Spaceship Company, which also belongs to the group of British businessman Richard Branson.

There is no timetable for when the new spaceport and the new spaceship will be ready. It is also unclear whether Virgin Galactic will also build a carrier aircraft for the Italian location that will explode the spacecraft. Until now, Virgin Galactic has been based in the United States, Spaceport America, New Mexico.

The concept of Virgin Galactic is to bring the Spaceship Two spacecraft from the Whiteknight Two aircraft a few miles away. There, Spaceship Two is disengaged and rises from its own power about 100 kilometers above sea level. Space tourists should then be able to float weightlessly in the cabin for a few minutes and admire the view of the Earth before the Spaceship Two returns to Earth.

The company has been experimenting for several years with spaceflight, initially in hover, since 2013 the engine of the rocket. In 2014, the spacecraft crashed during a test flight. The pilot is dead.

Virgin Galactic built a new spacecraft, VSS Unity, which was unveiled in 2016. It recently blew up its rocket engines for the first time in a test.

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