Spotify Lite: streaming application on fasting


A ktuell is putting more and more suppliers on so-called lightweight applications. After Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Skype have already released versions, now comes Spotify Lite. The benefit of lightened application: While the standard Spotify application with all its features weighs more than a hundred megabytes, the Lite version only has one. a fraction. Especially for users with older and mostly poor Android phones, the variant is interesting. You have to accept some disadvantages.

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Spotify Lite: This is not (in)

In order to achieve the streaming version of the streaming application, the developers had to reduce the functionality. For example, the Connect function to delegate music playback to external devices is completely missing. Also streaming in the best quality remains denied to users of the Lite application. What's irritating is that Spotify Lite does not allow you to download songs for offline listening. To listen to music, an internet connection is required. For many users, this could be at odds with the promise of a savings application. Even the application only supports random play, at least premium users should not like at all.

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Spotify Lite Still Beta

However, Spotify Lite is currently in development, as described betrayed in the Play store. It is therefore entirely possible that developers always provide features in search of the best compromise between the features and the size of the application. Otherwise, Spotify Lite will only be interesting for users of free advertising-funded access. It is also unclear whether the manufacturer extends the list of supported devices. Currently, most phones show that the application is not compatible. If you still want to dare, you can download the installation file from the APK-Mirror external service.

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