Staff changes at VIG, Danube and financial service providers


3.7.2018 – Peter Thirring joins VIG's Board of Directors, Ralph Müller succeeds him as CEO of Danube. Liane Hirner replaces Martin Simhandl as the new CFO of the group. Thomas Moth took the role of general manager of Philipp Bohrn in the professional badociation Finanzdienstleister

  Peter Thirring (Image: Thomas Pitterle) "title =" Peter Thirring (Image: Thomas Pitterle) "height =" 218 "src = "https: / /" width = "155" /> </dt>
<dd>  Peter Thirring <br /> (Image: Thomas Pitterle) </dd>
<p> ] Earlier this month, Vienna Insurance Group AG (VIG) and Donau Versicherung AG made three staff changes announced long ago (Insurance Journal 6 September 2017). </p>
<h2>  Thirring joins VIG Executive Board </h2>
<p>  Thirring joined the Group Executive Board effective 1 July 2018, where he is responsible for compliance and active reinsurance activities. </p>
<p>  This includes the agendas of the VIG Re Group's own reinsurer based in Prague and his "recent expansion." Thirring had already been Appointed Chairman of the Supervisory Board of VIG Re at the end of April 2018. </p>
<p>  Thirring also holds responsibility for Slovakia, Georgia, Turkey and Liechtenstein in the VIG Executive Council . </p>
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Hirner replaces Simhandl as chief financial officer

  Liane Hirner (Image: Ian Ehm) "title =" Liane Hirner (Image: Ian Ehm) "height =" 211 "src =" https: // www / images / out / normal / hirner-liana-201802-cpr-ian-ehm_148x211.jpg "width =" 148 "/> </dt>
<dd>  Liane Hirner <br /> (Photo: Ian Ehm) </dd>
<p>  Martin Simhandl, meanwhile, left the Management Board after more than 32 years of service with the company. </p>
<p>  Liane Hirner, partner in the consulting firm PwC Austria prior to his VIG appointment, succeeded him as Chief Financial Officer (CFO). </p>
<p>  Hirner has been a member of the VIG Board since February (Insurance Journal 2.2.2018) .The change of position in the middle of the year 2018 had already been communicated. one year (VersicherungsJournal 27.6.2017) </p>
<p>  The Management Board is now composed of Elisabeth Stadler, Franz Fuchs, Judith Havasi, Lia do not Hirner, Peter Höfinger and Peter Thirring. 19659005] Ralph Müller new Danube General </h2>
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  Ralph Müller (Image: Danube / Spiola) "title =" Ralph Müller (Image: Danube / Spiola) "height =" 207 "src =" https: //www.insurancejournal. on / images / out / normal / mueller-ralph-201807-cpr-donau-spiola_148x207.jpg "width =" 148 "/> </dt>
<dd>  Ralph Müller <br /> (Photo: Danube / Spiola) </dd>
<p>  As a result Ralph Müller took over the leadership of the Danube </p>
<p>  The lawyer headed the sales department of Wiener Städtische Versicherung AG from April 2011, and the risk and finance departments from from 2016. </p>
<p>  in January 2017, a seat on the Danube Board of Directors with the conditions for risk management and accounting.Muiller resigned from the Municipal Executive Board at the end of September 2017. </p>
<p>  The Danube Board of Directors is made up of General Manager Ralph Müller, Reinhard Gojer, Roland Gröll and Harald Riener since July 1 </p>
<h2>  Thomas Moth (Image: Thomas Moth) "title =" Thomas Moth (Image: Thomas Moth) "height =" 222 "src =" normal / moth-thomas- 201807-cpr-thomas-moth_148x222.jpg "width =" 148 "/> </dt>
<dd>  Thomas Moth <br /> (Photo: Thomas Moth) </dd>
<p>  Still in the professional badociation of providers financial services of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, it is closed on 1 July Thomas Moth (29) succeeds Philipp Bohrn, managing director since 2009. </p>
<p>  From 2013 to 2015, Moth was an intern at Wolf Theiss Lawyer at Law GmbH & Co. KG, Eisenberger Herzog Lawyer at the Bar and Judge at the Vienna Regional Superior Court. as well as in the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) He worked for the WKÖ at the Foreign Trade Office of the Indonesian capital Jakarta </p>
<p>. In 2014, he completed his law studies at the University of Vienna. He also took a diploma course at the University of Kent (Canterbury, UK). </p>
<p>  More recently, Moth was referee of the Department III / 5 of the banking and capital markets at the Ministry of Finance. Previously, he gained experience in various departments of the Ministry of Finance and WKÖ, including in the professional badociation of financial service providers. </p>
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