Star Citizen: Cloud Imperium Games Defends Against Refunds


An average support of $ 92 was awarded by Star Citizen star sponsor Cloud Imperium Games for the production of Star Citizen. Those who are dissatisfied with the project or for other reasons, want to recover their money, it is now difficult: A civil arbitration in the United States decided in a recent dispute that the plaintiff will not recover his dollars.

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Specifically, it is about a player with the pseudonym Firefly212, who meets representatives of Cloud Imperium Games before an arbitral tribunal (Small Claims Court, it does not exist in Germany in this form) met in Los Angeles. For a long time, according to the report, the audience did not go on Reddit. The judge apparently decided, without lengthy hearings, that the relevant pbadages of the Star Citizen Terms of Use should be read in favor of Cloud Imperium Games; Firefly212 is not going in more details.

Among other things, the verdict means that other players also have more trouble getting their money back. If in doubt, this would require costly processes before the higher authorities. In the past, there have been cases where fans have collected their money from Cloud Imperium Games – some of them have succeeded. It was not just the 92 US dollars mentioned, but in part several thousand US dollars.

Cloud Imperium Games has revised its Terms of Use several times in recent years and is gradually reducing the right to refunds. During this hearing, the studio also argued that there is now a playable version of Star Citizen and that you have fulfilled its obligations – but this point was not important.

Cloud Imperium Games has the start of the July 2018 update released on Star Citizen version 3.2. Version 3.3 is planned for the end of September 2018. It should include, among other things, additional elements for repairs and refueling of ships and other environments. Up to now, the community has spent nearly 190 million US dollars for the development of space games.

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