Steam blocks more than 90,000 cheaters in 48 hours


Within 48 hours, Steam has blocked the accounts of over 90,000 players who lose all their games. A new recording

  Last week, a particularly large number of players were excluded from Steam


Last week, a large number of of players swung on Steam the big spell: in just 24 hours were last Thursday

according to
locked more than 90,000 Steam accounts. A little over 61,000 for Valve Anti-Cheat System (VAC) violations and 27,400 other Steam accounts for other offenses. Never before have so many players been banned from Steam in one day. For the players involved, it also means that they lose access to their entire library of games and therefore to all their games purchased on Steam. Creating a new Steam account can be an expensive fun.

Already the day before, Valve had banned more than 28,000 players for VAC violations and 31,000 players for other violations in the games. In two days, about 150,000 players had to leave Steam. Nearly 90,000 of them only because of VAC violations, which is an extraordinarily high number.

The background is not clear. One theory: Steam discovered changes in VAC, new methods of cheating – probably in popular games – and then destroyed them to beat them.

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