Stock Exchange Express – ROUNDUP: The EU's record penalty puts pressure on Google Mother Alphabet


In the alphabet of Google's parent company
The business is booming thanks to booming advertising revenue
brilliant, but the fine record imposed by the European Commission is a burden
quarterly profit. Within three months at the end of June, the
Annual surplus of 9% to 3.2 billion
Dollar (2.7 billion euros) back, as the Internet giant Monday after
The US stock market closed.

The turnover increased by a good quarter to reach 32.7 billion dollars.
Market expectations were despite the special burden raised by the
The punishment has clearly pbaded. The stock rose initially after the stock market
more than five percent. Already before the close of the markets, the price was up

With a stock market value of just under $ 840 billion, Alphabet
continue to move towards the trillion, with Apple
the most valuable listed group in the world – it's always
brings about 100 billion more. Also giant of the online sales Amazon
has just over 874 billion dollars
higher market capitalization.

"We have another quarter of very good performances
delivered, "said Chief Financial Officer Ruth Porat
Results. The Google Advertising Business on which the
Much of the income is omitted, increased from 24 percent to about 28
Billions of Dollars

The Girl's Remaining Income Increased by More Than 36% to 4.4%
Billions of dollars Alphabets from other companies like the
Waymo Robot Car Developer has experienced strong growth, helped
but with $ 145 million hardly worth of income.
Their loss increased from 633 million to 732 million dollars

Without the good five billion dollars (4.34 billion euros)
EU penalty, most recently for alleged abuse of market power
the Android smartphone system was imposed on the company,
the quarterly profit would rise to $ 8.3 billion.

Although Alphabet wants to challenge the sanction imposed by the European Commission,
the burden, but still in the balance sheet. In comparison with
The decline in profits was still relatively moderate compared to the previous year
because at that moment the quarterly result also had less of a
The EU antitrust fine has suffered.

EU Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager,
Last week, the most difficult intervention in the
Google business template. Vestager demanded that the
Internet company changes its business model within 90 days and
threatened beyond the record penalty with new sanctions, the
could also go in the billions. Google wants to oppose
defend. / hbr / DP / he

  ISIN US02079K3059 US0378331005 US0231351067 US02079K1079

AXC0215 2018-07-23 / 23: 28

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