Stories Writing the Festival |


Too expensive, a welcome boost to the city or just good for business? Nine people from Salzburg tell what they badociate with the festival season.

"Is this the Moretti?" Ask Martina Verma hostess of the sausage stand, more herself than her guests. She squints her eyes to see better. Indeed! A few meters from their sausage stand on the university square, a biker takes off his helmet and shakes his hairstyle: that's Tobias Moretti, the Jedermann of the Salzburg Festival. "To eat sausages so early?" He shouts to the owner and his guests. Everyone smiles, Tobias Moretti disappears between the market stalls. "Now it's here, the summer of the festival," says Martina Verma. For them, it means more work and more time to stay open, because some festival guests take it during a performance break or even before to their sausage stand. But the festival time is a good time, the workers who built the Jedermann stage come back to me every year, and there are also a lot of curious people on the road, street artists and elegant people. "

to occupy his fashion Fiaker Walter Borrmann " Being up to date is part of my life. "He already had in his car a Thai princess and former Federal President Heinz Fischer Walter Borrmann participates in the festival for the opening of the festival each year.There is so much to see, so much to experiment, "I am in the middle."

The hype in the city and especially the evening goes by more, finds the saleswoman Bettina Egger beautiful – even though she herself is not in the middle. "I'd like to take a look at" Everyman, "she says. : You can not get tickets, and if they are, they are too expensive.

Living next to the painter "Jedermann" Igor Zindovic. For 26 years, he spent eight months before the Dombögen He has already painted many actors – Veronika Ferres, Peter Simonischek, Cornelius Obonya, Ben Becker or Nicho las Ofczarek – and the scenes of the "Almighty" inspire him again and again. Images signed by festival artists wander through the painter's studio. And these are not so few. He almost knows by heart the text of Hugo von Hofmannsthal. "Thank God, there's the festival, this time is a wonderful time," he says.

The waitress Jennifer Szolga tried to call it "Everyman". In Haus der Musik in Vienna, you can see how much your own voice can scream. In addition to the car and the plane, the "Jedermann" – Rufer "is a separate category. "I was not far," says Jennifer Szolga. Many people believe that the "Everyman" call is recorded, so Jennifer Szolga clarifies her knowledge. At their workplace in a cafe near the main train station, the hype is barely perceptible. "It's high season, but celebrities do not arrive here."

The two rickshaw drivers Frederik Kieninger and Jan Huber come into contact with "all kinds of people" during the festival season. Even those who are clearly recognizable as festival guests because of their stylish clothes or sometimes catchy hats. "They are happy when they get on the rickshaw, want to enjoy a relaxing stroll and maybe revisit an opera performance," says Jan Huber. "For us, the festival season is beautiful, the city is much livelier, especially in the evening," adds Kieninger.

High season means the time of the Salzburg Festival for Raphael Ornetsmüller from Bicycle Rental Mozartplatz. His company combines years of collaboration with the production "Jedermann", which will be presented until 2016. "We all waited about 15 bikes that were used on stage," reports Raphael Ornetsmüller. Even off the stage, the young man has some interesting festival encounters. "Arnold Schwarzenegger once had some wheels – for him and his bodyguards, which was really special."

"A lot of tourists, policemen, more controls and still important pbadengers like the opera singer Cäcilia Bartoli" – The taxi driver Mohsen Dhifalli "his" festival of music. summer.

"It's good that there are festivals," says Cornelia Buttinger of the photo shop of the same name. In private, she prefers to go to the lake. But, "When I'm in town, I like to watch celebrities and their outfits." Even she would not buy a ticket. Your sister Johanna Rettenbacher adds: If she is comfortably lying in the garden, even celebrities of the festival will no longer make her go to town.

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