Storm and the farewell of mediocrity «


Kleine Zeitung +

With a good start to Saturday's league against Hartberg, the Grazer want to have confidence in them for the return match of Ajax.

By Peter Klimkeit | 05h50, 27 July 2018

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< img clbad = "lazyload" src = "" title = "Heiko Vogel musste trösten / Bild: APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER "alt =" FOOTBALL QUALIFICATION OF THE LEAGUE OF THE UEFA TOUR CHAMPIONS 2: AJAX AMSTERDAM – SK PUNTIGAMER STURM GRAZ [19659016] Heiko Vogel must comfort © APA / HERBERT NEUBAUER [19659016] The Dutch daily De Telegraaf evokes the deserved victory of Ajax Amsterdam and describes the team of e Sturm as "a collection of mediocre footballers". The sheet is not false. Tonight, the Grazer is averaging below average. None of the protagonists could appeal to his performance potential. The Dutch were better in every way. They played the balls faster and more accurately, were more aggressive and brave, and had better luck in the crucial scenes.

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