Strawberries from Poland contaminated with the hepatitis A virus


Frozen strawberries from Poland infected with hepatitis A.

In Austria and Sweden, hepatitis A has been the subject of many diseases in recent months. The researchers have now located the source of the infection: Polish frozen strawberries.

Strawberries identified as being at the origin of the hepatitis A epidemic

According to a report by the scientific journal Eurosurveillance, 20 cases of hepatitis A were reported in six districts of Sweden between June and September 2018, of which 17 were confirmed and three are probable. "In combined epidemiological and microbiological studies, imported frozen strawberries produced in Poland have been identified as the source of the outbreak," the paper said. In Austria too, hepatitis A diseases have been badociated with strawberries of the same manufacturer.

Swedish and Austrian researchers have identified strawberries as a source of infection for many diseases of hepatitis A in their countries. (Image: Tim UR /

The fruits were not sufficiently heated before being eaten

According to "Eurosurveillance", studies in Sweden showed that all infected people had eaten strawberries in the 30 days prior to the onset of the disease.

These were consumed in the form of strawberry smoothies or desserts in juice bars, retirement homes, a hotel, a restaurant and a school.

"Reviews and interviews with kitchen staff showed that strawberries had never been sufficiently heated before being served." Strawberries were the only common food in all cases, say Swedish experts .

New genotype

The genotype of the hepatitis A virus discovered in Sweden has also been found in Austria.

According to the Food Safety Agency (AGES), a total of 15 cases with this new genotype were detected by the Hepatitis A Reference Center (Center for Virology of the University of Medicine of the United States). Vienna) since July 2018 (to October 10, 2018).

"Epidemiological studies on AGES as a source of outbreaks with a very high probability of frozen strawberries from a Polish producer," writes the agency.

According to information, frozen strawberries were distributed by wholesalers. "Austrian customers have been asked to heat the Polish producer's frozen strawberries before using them," explains AGES.

Flu-like symptoms

Hepatitis A is an infectious disease caused by the hepatitis A virus that is transmitted by smear infection and contaminated food. The main symptom is acute inflammation of the liver (hepatitis).

In principle, hepatitis can vary by type of virus, but in the beginning, it usually presents more general symptoms such as fatigue, fatigue, headache, loss of appetite, mild fever and vomiting.

Later, other typical signs such as a dark urine, a light saddle and yellow eyes or skin ("jaundice") may be added.

The best protection against hepatitis A is vaccination, which is available for children 12 months and older. (Ad)

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