Strong growth of machine tool manufacturer DMG Mori | Tool Manufacturer | sectors


First-half double-digit growth rates make the machine tool manufacturer's board of directors more confident.

The group's general manager, Christian Thönes, raised his sales and profit targets for 2018. He also expressed his relief over the intentions of US President Donald Trump and Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker , reduce trade barriers. "We are happy with the de-escalation," said Thönes, the Reuters news agency. The commercial dispute caused uncertainty.

Nevertheless, the former group based on Gildemeister continued its record run. He was helped by the trend towards digitization, automation and 3D printing.

In the first half, new orders rose 14% to 1.577 billion euros and sales rose 10% to 1.215 billion euros. Operating profit (EBIT) jumped 20% to 93 million euros. Over the course of the year, the manager is now targeting a turnover of around 2.55 billion euros instead of 2.45 billion euros. euros and current operating income of about 200 million euros instead of about 180 million euros. (reuters / apa / red)

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