Study certifies strong growth of Austrian pharmaceutical market


Vienna. (kle) According to the consulting firm EY (formerly Ernst & Young), the Austrian pharmaceutical market is expected to nearly double by 2030, from 2.9 billion to 5.2 billion euros in revenue. 39; business. As EY continues in a recent study, health informatics could even triple in the same period – from 700 million to 2.1 billion euros.

"Even in saturated markets such as the German-speaking countries Austria, Germany and Switzerland (DACH Region) still has significant potential for the pharmaceutical industry," stress EY consultants. From their point of view, digitization allows "completely new ecosystems and business models in the health market". For the study "From Participants to Principals", EY examined the development of the healthcare market in the DACH region.

EY expects sales of conventional pharmaceuticals to continue to constitute the bulk of the market in 2030. According to the study, they are expected to increase in Austria from 1.8 to 2.6 billion d & # 39; euros. However, the share of healthcare IT solutions across the entire market will increase even more sharply and by 2030 will reach a "level similar to traditional pharmaceutical sales," according to EY. The licensing market, the third pillar of the pharmaceutical market, will only increase slightly from 400 million euros to 500 million euros

. In the face of increasing digitization, EY badumes that pharmaceutical companies will increasingly be dealing with new players. More specifically, life science start-ups are expected to take up between 30 and 45% of the German-speaking market by 2030.

Blockbuster sales jump
] Pharmaceutical companies must adapt to an increasingly difficult market environment, also shows EY badysis of the financial figures of the 21 largest pharmaceutical companies in the world. As a result, profit margins are decreasing as the largest sellers continue to grow – cancer drugs and blockbuster drugs (successful drugs that generate annual sales of more than $ 1 billion). 40% of currently developed drugs are anticancer drugs. Already in 2017, the pharmaceutical industry was achieving nearly a third of its turnover: oncology sales rose from 130.1 to 137.4 billion euros [[] 19659002] Meanwhile, sales of blockbusters also grew significantly faster than overall sales. Pharmaceutical companies realized a total turnover of 447.5 billion euros in 2017, 0.4% more than the previous year, and the turnover of Superproductions grew 5% to 268.6 billion euros. As a result, the share of total sales increased by 1.5 percentage points to 60%. The cumulative operating profit of the 21 largest pharmaceutical companies decreased 2.4% the previous year to 151.3 billion euros.

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