Sturm Graz: The coach Heiko Vogel "knows" Otar Kiteishvili


  Aufmacherbild Photo: © GEPA

If one believes Georgia's press releases, SK Sturm Graz deals extensively with Otar Kiteishvili of Dinamo Tbilisi.

Tbilisi President Roman Pipia already speaks of a decided thing and a three-year contract with the Styrians. Heiko Vogel, the Storm's coach, says that the attacking midfielder addressed: "I heard the name before."

In addition, the German explains: "I think that it might be an option, we are constantly on the lookout and explore the market not only for the current situation, but in winter there There is also a transfer window and next summer there is a transfer window, which means you can never sleep in this regard and if you are looking for certain positions, you can Otar Kiteishvili stumble. "[19659007AdenialseemsundeniablydifferentItisquitepossiblethatacommitmentof22-year-oldsundercontractinTbilisiuntilthesummerof2019belinkedtothewhereaboutsofPeterZulj

In Georgia, Kiteishvili proved to be a good point for scoring points: In 22 league games, the 22-year-old scored eleven goals and ten badists

Source: ©

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