Suddenly Briton? Language researchers decode Meghan Markle's new accent


Since May 19,

can call Meghan Markle
– once an American actress – "Duchess of Susbad". The marriage with Prince Harry completely changed the life of this 36 year old man. Probably the biggest user? Markle had to turn away from his old country and now lives in the UK. Instead of exhausting filming days, official appointments are now on the agenda with the queen: shaking hands instead of scenarios, a little chat instead of the jet set.

One of these events has been broadcasting a video on the Internet since mid-June. It has been downloaded by the user of Twitter Aya El Zeiny. In the clip, Meghan Markle greets pbadersby: she shakes hands, introduces herself and thanks for the compliments. He stands out: The American-American seems to speak with a British accent

. The British impact can be heard especially in the first minutes of the video. In this Meghan thanks her fans, says "Thank you, I appreciate that!" ("Thanks, I really appreciate that!")

Since then, the network has been discussing: Is it realistic that Meghan learned the British accent in such a short time?

The "Science of Us" Information Portal Talking to linguists, they come to a clear conclusion: according to linguist Jevon Heath (University of Pittsburgh), Meghan should not suddenly pbad from English to British English. "It can take years to get all the features to get familiar with a particular language.Most people, especially adults, will never reach the level of a native speaker."

Accents Signal Belonging

It is much more likely that the Duchess knows a phenomenon called "accommodation". There are certain elements This change occurs in the subconscious mind and can occur after a relatively short time, according to the expert. A well-known example of this phenomenon is the "semester foreign" accent – already a few months in one The reason for this behavior: by imitating the melody and timbre of other people, we unconsciously attempt to integrate ourselves – dialects connect people from one region to a dedicated community, and who speaks in the same dialect, points out: I belong.

Beautiful for Meghan, she feels very comfortable in her new home.

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