Super rich, or even richer: rapid growth of billionaire assets


This huge fortune is divided between 2,158 people, 11% of whom are women, as shown by the calculations of the consulting firm PwC and the Swiss bank UBS. In 2016, the global number of super-rich was still 1,979. The figures available for the fifth time include all badets: corporations, corporate stocks, private real estate, but also art collections.

Compared to the last report, total badets increased by 19% – the increase of $ 1.3 trillion (about € 1.15 trillion) is roughly equivalent to the total annual economic output of countries such as Spain and Australia. The total badets of billionaires are about 20 times higher than the gross domestic product of Austria. If wealth were the economic output of a fictitious billionaire state, it would rank third behind the United States and China.

"Three new billionaires a week"

China, in particular, has significantly changed its statistics on billionaires in recent years. If the wealth of the rich in China in 2013 was "only" 324 billion dollars, it is now in the current report to 1 120 billion dollars. It is striking that at the age of 55, they are on average much younger than billionaires and billionaires worldwide, with nearly 64 years of age.

"For years, we have seen the development of the Western world to Asia, via the New World," says Caroline Kuhnert, who manages UBS business with wealthy clients, particularly Europeans. "The biggest increase is for billionaires in Asia: an average of three new billionaires per week in 2017, including two Chinese, and this trend is certainly continuing in 2018."

According to the report, China has produced 50 "unicorns" in recent years – companies worth at least $ 1 billion, just behind the United States, which reached 62% over the same period. "A new group of Chinese entrepreneurs is challenging Silicon Valley amid mounting tensions in trade and intellectual property," the report said.

Through heritage to more wealth

40 of the 179 new Super Rich Club members have inherited their wealth. This is a trend that will continue over the next few years: "A major capital transfer has begun." "In the past five years, the amount inherited from dead billionaires has increased on average by 17% per year to reach 2017 $ 117 billion, "he says.

In the "next two decades", 40% of the badets of the billionaire will be transferred. "The math is simple." Among the 701 billionaires over the age of 70, fortune goes to heirs and philanthropists over the next 20 years, given the statistical probability of average life expectancy. "

Eight billionaires in Austria

In Austria, according to UBS and the American magazine "Forbes", there would be seven billionaires and a billionaire. According to UBS, their total badets are $ 43.4 billion, a little over 38 billion euros. Although the number of national super-rich remained the same, but their holdings grew by about 39 percent, according to the report.

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