Super Smash Bros. Ultimate: the codes for the piranha factory are already sent


The anticipation of Nintendo's next crossover tester had become unbearable with the last live. One of the surprises of the presentation was the announcement of the piranha factory as a playable fighter. Although the secret of Mario's arch-enemy is not published in 2019, Nintendo has already started sending codes to customers Super Smash Bros. Ultimate acquired numerically.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will be released on December 7, 2018 for Nintendo Switch.

Sebastian Schmidt

Basically, the motto is: I play everything! However, this statement is limited by the addition of "not very good". Although this limitation has led to the exclusion of all successful gaming projects in the circle of friends, it in turn promotes an open attitude towards all genres, brands and brands. and platforms. Fanatic worship and participation in console warfare and pseudo-elitism, I do not know.

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